Humility? Screw Humility.......

by AllTimeJeff 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • AllTimeJeff

    .....said the exiting JW.

    This JW saw it all, the games, the politics. Oh, and how this quality of "humility" was used as an anvil to keep, not just your actions in line, but your thoughts and feelings as well.

    The leadership of JW's is an extremely talented bunch. They know exactly how to reframe concepts to their own ends.

    So, once you have your awakening, and you leave, and you remember how often you were symbolically on your knees all the time, you say "Never again!"

    Because if that's what humility really is, they can bite me big time!

    But that isn't what humiity is all about. It's easy to say, and even easy to agree with, but the humility that JW's teach to their flock isn't humility at all. Just for the record, here is what humility is defined as:

    "the quality or state of not thinking you are better than other people" "freedom from arrogance"

    That's it. There is NOTHING wrong with this. Why? Because whatever you think and decide, it only has to be good for you. I especially take this definition to mean that you can't judge a book by it's cover. Yes, some states of mind and actions ARE better than others, but that doesn't mean that the PERSON is of lesser quality, one way or the other. A good smart, and yes, HUMBLE person, when presented with evidence, can change their mind and their ways... if they're humble. And sometimes, life will humble you, causing you to change a less desireable mindet, even if it takes years.

    So you're smart, successful, good looking, rich, influential. That doesn't mean you're BETTER than me. (although I would be jealous as shit....) And if I am that person, it doesn't mean I am BETTER than you.

    That's the trouble with the whole JW mindest. It encourages people to think that they are better. What other sane reason would you have to stay? Because you are in a better organization, and everyone else is going down.

    So when you leave, sometimes you feel like you have to over compensate. You act confident. (you're totally not) You pretend to know. (It takes time to learn and educate yourself). You have been spiritually and emotionally abused, so you won't allow anyone to "treat you badly". (all they're doing is disagreeing with you).....

    It goes on and on.

    Real humility is a relief, and something I think could help former JW's in their moving on.

    Being humble allows you to acknowledge where you came from, knowing that everyone else isn't better than you, or even ahead of you, just because you were in a cult.

    Being humble allows you to take the good from your JW experience and use it as wisdom, and maybe even for job/career skills.

    Being humble allows you to listen to different points of view without needing to argue (this point was a BIG lesson I needed to learn) It can help you to realize, there are always going to be differences of opinion, so why sweat it?

    Being humble allows you to just BE. After all, it stands to reason, if you aren't better than anyone else, no one else is better than you either. So you don't have to worry.

    Being humble allows you to grow and improve and educate yourself, because you can't do any of those things if you think you are perfect and done where you stand. But this growth and improvement doesn't come from insecurity, it comes from security.

    I could go on. It's a great little study if you want to read up on real humilty. Far from what the GB taught on the matter, true humility, that freedom from arrogance, is a real asset in your post JW life, and can you save a lot of mental and emotional turmoil in the process.

  • leftbelow

    Great post. We all have to keep learning and even trusting again. I really like the way you put this.

  • KateWild

    You have been spiritually and emotionally abused, so you won't allow anyone to "treat you badly".

    I am new out, learned TTATT 10 months ago, stopped meetings almost two weeks. This sums me up. I am really guarded and supicious, I feel I can't trust anyone. But I have trusted some, but I am scared they will hurt me.

    Being humble allows you to take the good from your JW experience and use it as wisdom, and maybe even for job/career skills.

    Steven Hassan made a successful career from his experience.

    Lovely OP Thanks Kate xx

  • DesirousOfChange

    That's the trouble with the whole JW mindest. It encourages people to think that they are better.

    What other sane reason would you have to stay? Because you are in a better organization, and everyone else is going down.

    Exactly. JEHOVAH HAS DRAWN YOU TO HIM! He has hand-picked YOU (because of your good heart and righteous disposition) and He has cast aside and rejected all those other "wicked" people who are doomed to destruction because of their wicked heart condition or haughty disposition or whatever etc etc.

    And then even among all the JWs it's a "better than you" mentality.

    I'm a Reg Pioneer.

    ALL of our children are Reg Pioneers and/or Elders/MS/Bethelites/etc

    I/We/My hubby had a part on the CA/DistConv.....

    They are all striving to gain one more day of Everlasting Life than you are going to get.


  • AllTimeJeff

    DoC, BINGO! In addition to the propaganda, you get fed this ridiculous line every week.... "YHWH wants YOU".

    Same thing as an MS, Elder, Pioneer, Bethelite, Gilead, YOU WERE CHOSEN....

    I used to like that thought. My last conscious memory of this sickening mentality was when Losch said our assignment to Africa was definitely done under Jehovah's supervision.

    6 months later, I laughed my ass off at the thought of THAT!

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    We are carefully taught to be good little obedient drones. The GB like to use expressions such as:

    We are pleased.

    We are joyous.

    Aren't we all thankful?

    How loving from our Heavenly father.

    What a grand spiritual feast has been lovingly provided for us by Jehovah.

    Jehovah cares about every single one of you.

    What a gracious gift from our Heavenly father. Etc , etc, etc.

    They train us with key words how to respond.

    Opening of ANY Assembly or Convention... "Aren't we all joyous to be here today?!!!!" clapclapclapclapclap

    All of these actions turn our minds off and turn us into drones, apeing what the speaker wants us to pick up on.

    "Aren't we all happy to be here today? Aren't we the better people for being here quietly and attentively in our seats, listening to Bible talks, instead of

    being out there in the scary world ... rubbing shoulders with worldly people?" Crowd mentality takes over. clapclapclapclapclap

    And I used to be one of them...


  • LongHairGal


    I agree with you that the JWs like to use the word "humility" to suppress people. It is supposed to act as a thought-stopper. When a person is in the de-programming process of leaving the JW religion (and it is a process), they get wise to the trick words the religion uses to screw with people's minds and manipulate them. Not only that, it presupposes that you somehow should be in subjection to some master. Well, who is this master? It isn't this god-damned religion, that's for sure.

    Of course, every human should have the virtue of humility to some degree since we all make mistakes sometimes. The problem is when any group (religious or otherwise) doesn't have this quality themselves.

    Desirous of Change:

    It's funny, but I never thought I was better than anybody when I was a witness. Maybe this is because I was so criticized over my full-time job. I did, however, see this bad quality in a few JWs (some but not all pioneers). I was always secretly baffled by this in the way you can be puzzled to yourself why somebody who is not even good-looking with no other discernable assets has such a high opinion of themselves.

  • stillin

    One elder recently suggested to me that pride was blinding me. I said that there could be some truth to that but that there is such a thing as a healthy measure of self-respect, too. And he agreed with me.

  • LivingTheDream


    I love this post. Well said and profound. It has many points that I've been trying to formulate in my own head for some time. This helped me validate some of them.

    Brock Talon

  • williamhconley

    Great Post!

    Very True. Humility according to WT is just listen and obey without questioning the WT authority. Just shut your mouth and do what we say regardless if it's the right thing to do. As an elder I got tired of always speaking up against elder abuse and harassment of the sheep. I never covered up or went along with their nepotism and cover ups of drunkenness, adultery and elder's non payent of debts yet for that I was labelled as proud and not working in unity and being belligerent and unreasonable. I was removed as elder and that really made me realize that the Holy SPirit has absolutely NOTHING to do with these people. It all comes down to politics and going along with the boys club. It was really disappointing and disheartening to say the least. The half truths and outright lies that the C.O. and D.O. believed to get e deleted.

    The GB produces the most arrogant pricks on earth. We are taught that any activity done outside of promoting JW fantasy is in vain and a coplete waste of time. We are told we are better than worldy people, better than other religions, and if anyone seems to do something good (Red Cross) we are told that the benefits are only temporary.

    Only if you serve as a pioneer, elder, bethelite etc. will you be give attention by the C.O. and even then the conversation will usually be about doing more. Many strive for these titles to feel superior and accepted as they have nothing else to offer in their lives.

    I have found great peace of mind once I acepted the fact that JW's do not have the absolute truth or any truth for that matter. I don't argue doctrine with no one anyore and actually listen and try to learn from others with different beliefs and ideas. I find myself actually caring about people now regardless of what they believe. It's liberating (although sad at first) when you realize that you don't have all the answers to lifes questions or that you need to defend the GB intrepretations as they will only change according to the whims of the 8 popes in NY.

    Any person that is truly faithful to principle and justice will eventually be sadly disillusioned by the poilitics of the WT. At least Im in my early 40's and didn't waste a full life in the fantasy world. For now I just go along with the JW life in order not to hurt my marriage and family


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