Pope Francis's view on ABORTION can end all discussion on abortion!

by abiather 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • InChristAlone

    I am wondering, is there a rationale for abortion that doesn't evolve from a "what-is-best-for-ME" line of thinking? I have heard many reasons including rape, incest, birth defects, not ready, etc., but to me all of these reasons boil down to more consideration about one's self than it does about the baby or others.

    Also, out of curiosity, is there anyone here who truly believes in the God of the Bible and supports abortion? I would be interested to hear your reasoning behind this.

  • designs

    ICA- what would you advise a women to do with an ectopic pregnancy or the fetus has anencephaly other conditions where it threatens the life of the woman.

  • adamah

    Yes, let us do as the OP suggests, and let Pope Francis' view on abortion be the end of all discussion on the matter!

    After all, Pope Francis said this:

    "Human beings are ends in themselves and never a means of resolving other problems."

    Which is, ironically, the EXACT OPPOSITE of the kind of policy God used with the Flood of Noah, since God could've simply prohibited bloodshed in Genesis 9:5-6 and appointed Noah to enforce the newfangled law WITHOUT carrying out the Flood (laws were issued which rectified the problem of anarchy, where God forgot to prohibit bloodshed). NOPE: God probably didn't want to overburden Noah with hardened criminals on his hands, so he wanted to give the Earth a fresh re-do with a more managable population of 8.

    On the abortion issue, Pope Francis can have the last word just after he answers these questions:

    Were there any third-trimester pregnant women who were drowned in the Flood, or any pregnant women who were actually giving birth at the time of the Flood (such that mother and baby drowned), or were there any neonates, infants and young children drowned in the Flood?

    God is a moral monster, and the Pope has no business parading about in a pompous hat and robes acting as if he's an expert on morality.

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