Dying to Believe

by Watchtower-Free 23 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • cofty

    quellycatface - In the UK minors are never exposed to any medical crisis involving blood. The court will issue a "ward of court" order and authorise the doctors to do whatever is medically necessary. This has been the case for many years.

    There was a non JW mother refusing chemo for her child because she had been influenced by a lot of internet bullshit. The court over-ruled her.

    The only complication comes with young teens where the court may have to make a ruling on competence.

    As a 15 year old I could have convinced a judge it was my own decision. Teenagers need to be protected from themselves.

  • steve2


  • Messerschmitt
  • ILoveTTATT2

    It sucks that this documentary just went away... grr!!

    Anyone know what happened? besides that they didn't reach the amount of money required to make the documentary? Was that money ever returned? What was it used up for?

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