Why is JW Net so hostile? Is it just me?

by Brother Mike 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • snare&racket

    Maybe you have been brainwashed to intepret information that rocks your indoctrination as hostile.

    It's just information Mikey. Is telling someone ignorant of the rules of baseball "you are ignorant" accurate or hostile?

    Its all perpesctive. Knowledge is power buddy.

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    Hostile? It was a statement to help you.

  • Bob_NC

    Mike, there are a bunch of active brothers and sisters that look here. No big deal. I am glad they, you, are here. I used to not think that the WT was a cult. I changed my mind.

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    Mike, you made. A post on a apostate website and asked that NO apostates respond... Am I missing something?

    You're the one who chooses to spend his time with those he disagrees with... If you don't like us, don't post on our board. You don't see apostates on jw forums asking them not to respond to out questions

  • ShirleyW

    What Captain Obvious said . . .

  • Brother Mike
    Brother Mike

    Gee thanks CAPTIAN OBVIOUS! See what I did there? it was a terrible pun. Your welcome.

  • prologos

    S&R If you say to someone not knowing, or ignoring the rules of CRICKET: "-- uou are ignorant--" or to quote you: "--you are an idiot--",

    it reflects badly on your upbringing and those responsable for it.

    no matter what the forum.

  • snare&racket

    Yeah, you are a either very immature and or a troll.... A real JW would be actually scared and feel like they were playing in Satan's garden (see cult definition for why) if they came here, they wouldn't be making jokes,

    Bye Mike.

  • snare&racket

    No prologos, ignorant and idiot are not the same thing. ignorant is a definition of someones status of knowledge or data, I am ignorant of cricket and baseball and Hollyoaks.

    Had my upbringing included a decent education I would have realsied this earlier and not been so offended at fact. Its basically being offended and angry with a dictionary. All the best with that prologos.

    ps no offence was taken at your personal comment, I realise it was just ignorance of the meaning of 'ignorant'.

    I do love irony (my pet iron).

  • Blttex

    From what I've seen, it's just you. 99% of people here go out of there way to explain things in an overly nice way, and site references. Try going to the elders and asking the same questions. Let us know how they respond if you ask for proof of what they are saying.

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