So, here's a new definition of 'apostacy'

by ItsMyLife 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • jonahstourguide

    Well ItsMyLife, I empathise with you, I also was a born in and we really didn't fully understand

    what was being thrust upon us. We did what we were told. We should have got a medal for that.

    Sadly, rules are more important in their eyes than torn emotions and struggle. You are in the

    right place for encouragement and support even if the posts are sometimes seemingly cold.

    Ultimately the folks here reach out and feel your pain and want to help as best they can,

    and we pick up a few linguistic skills on the way !!!! lol

    Heartfelt regards to you


  • ItsMyLife

    Thank you, jtd. It makes it a tiny bit less painful, knowing there are others who have been there, or are there still.

    All the best

  • oneyeopen

    My study conductor recently, like 2 weeks ago, ditched my study due to "apostacy" I had been asked if I thought the organization was 'Jehovah's" organizaton, I had responded, lo and behold, I didn't know. She was mortified. After a hen pecking and much pressuring I reluctantly told her my stand on child sex abuse and how I did not agree to it's policies. She was adamant that I'd been to apostate sites. I assured her that such has been reported mainstream and is available to the public without having to source information from such sites 'only'. Her response was, "why after all this time studying has this become a problem?" I stated that I wasn't aware then. But it wasn't good enough for her. Surely if I just trusted in Jehovah to sort everything out, he would in good time. I'd bought up the fact that it was made an issue broadcast to the public in 2002 I think and updated in 2005 highlighting the issues with csa and the org in Australia. Despite the reproach bought upon Jehovah and his people, they did NOT change their policy. I did see the program on t.v in 2005 and was shocked and disgusted but had expected that the issues would have been addressed so that it would never occurr again, not with the support of the org anyways. My study conductor and myself have our own personal experiences of csa in our own lives, and both acknowledge the secret nature of such crimes. I was completely taken aback with her response...canning my study,stating in all good conscience she could no longer study with myself, til I'd come to my sences so to speak and only then could study resume. She wanted me to write to the society, stating my concerns and satisfy myself with their response. Geez I don't know what she'd expect me to recieve, and feel that I'd be completely wasting my time. I'd only recently come to find TTAT about 6months ago maybe and have not dared to share anything with her but could not hold that back nor hide behind a facade. We'd study via phone think she could hear the gritting of teeth everytime the word 'organization' was mentioned....increasingly more regularly....and the recent revellation of the self appointed 'slave'.Anyway I stated that I did not believe myself to be an apostate, my belief of that was that one had to deny God, Christ and core doctrine, but she stated that it was anything in opposition to the organization.

    So in essence my study was canned because I was upset/at odds with the socities policy on child sex abuse (2 witness rule, treatment of victims and perpetrators)She was upset not because it was happening in the org nor their stance but the fact that I even had a problem with it...go figure...sorry this had nothing at all to do with Xmas...but I didn't know that a study could be guilty of apostacy if I'm still at the stage of acquiring 'accurate' knowledge, and if one should not present oneself for baptism until one has recieved such knowledge. My 20 yr old daughter was unbaptized publisher for sometime with much pressure from older ones to baptise from a young age, this I discouraged her from. Thank God literally that we found out the truth about the truth before the org hurt us anymore than it had already had in my distant past.

  • tiki

    ItsMyLife - the spelling thing reminded me of the "information" not bulletin board....with lists of who is assigned to what book study or ministry school schedules with people's names badly hard is it to ask someone the correct spelling of his/her name before posting it up there?!?

    As for the nativity scene - I can't imagine any cong that would condone participation or choose to ignore it - its a black and white thing with them - it is christmas however you cut it and that is taboo.

  • tiki

    oneeyeopen - you are far, far better off being unceremoniously dumped!! the story rather amazes me too, that the level of expectation that someone swallow each and every nuance is so strong and incontestable.

  • snare&racket

    Its their game, they make the rules, guess what... We can say 'f you Im not playing anymore' then their power and rules turn to thin air. They are nobody! If they choose to be vindictive and use your family to hurt you, well they and your family will have to live with themselves,for the rest of their life, besides it may wake them up a bit... Especially nowadays.

    Its just a game, we dont have to play it... Just like a child who is told they can make the rules for the game, they have gone mad with power....

    Bye Watchtower!

  • 5go

    The Dictionary definition is anyone that changes ones relgion so all none born in Witnesses are apostate by the definition of the word.

  • Phizzy

    They bandy the word around without any thought, how can someone merely studying with them be Apostate ? they can't, until that one joins the WT/JW scam and then is an Apostate from their original religion.

    Another definition of Apostate is one who leaves a former set of beliefs. All JW's have done that with the major changes in the July Study WT.

    All JW's are Apostates !

    dear Oneyeopen, you now have a golden opportunity, say to her that you do have sincere doubts that it is God's Organization, and in the spirit of what Jude says, can she kindly prove that it is ?

    She can not of course.

  • westiebilly11

    it can be hard to get out of that religion....but it's also hard to get that religion out of you.............I liken it to the process of going through a divorce.....protracted disentangling.......

  • Mum

    Children must get very confused by these arbitrary, senseless rules. Forbidding them to participate in an innocuous play or program or activity does not build their character or to understand right and wrong. It does not teach them kindness or consideration of others. It is just an exercise in self-righteousness with no benefit to anyone.

    Are JW children ever taught that the greatest wrong is to harm oneself or another human being? Are they given any clue that there is nothing to be gained by mere rule-abiding?

    This nonsense makes me want to scream!

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