Question for people more intelligent than me

by Monsieur 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Comatose

    The drugs are strong in this one.

  • cofty

    Here is a fascinating website that provides lots of evidence.


    The basic idea is that there was an internal ramp in the Great Pyramid, and workers dragged the blocks through it until they reached the corners, at which point the block was repositioned for another team to pull it up the next ramp. Also, the exterior limestone blocks with the polished finish would have been positioned and aligned first to ensure geometric accuracy, and then the sandstone blocks would have been positioned behind them as filler...

    Jean Pierre has proposed that the Grand Gallery was used as a massive counterweight system, where a wooden trolley was loaded with stones and rigged with ropes and used to provide the force to lift the heaviest objects. Basically it was the equivalent of a freight elevator. There is actually a lot of physical evidence for this too, and it explains all kinds of peculiar details about the Grand Gallery...

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    this frigate was built in 11 months, the plans were destroyed/lost, the ship sank. the french started a reproduction in 1997 and just now it is being completed:

    i doubt that it's because of better technology being available in the 16th century.

  • JeffT

    St Peter's Basilica was built between 1506 and 1626. Construction began on the Ulm Minster (tallest church spire in the world) in 1377, when it halted 1543 the spire was 330 feet high. The most famous portion of the Great Wall of China was built around 200 BC. The technology available for these projects (human and animal power, wedges, levers, pulley's etc) was not a lot different from what was available to the Egyptians.

  • jgnat

    Not smarter than you, sir, so it is sort of a trick question.

    A little off topic,

  • Crazyguy


  • Jeffro

    Thanks to Elijehovah, my BS-detector just went off the scale. And then exploded.

  • Jeffro


    Do we have CONCRETE evidence of how the pyramids at Giza were built?

    Obviously, it involves time travel, and a very large 3D-printer (3D-printer polymer was much cheaper back then). Bible Students (whom Jehovah's Witnesses pretend no longer exist) from the 30th century took (will take) Russell's measurements of a drawing of the pyramid (in 'pyramid inches') and multiplied the figures to determine the actual size of the pyramid. These plans and the very very large 3D-printer (patent pending) were taken back in time (patent pending). After the Stone Witness™ was completed, the Bible Students and the 3-D printer were no longer seen. Because God took them. In his mercy.

    Another theory is that it was done by lots and lots of slaves using ramps and pulleys. But that's just crazy.

  • nonjwspouse


    Common sense would say that slaves were used,

    I just don't buy that. I agree with Cofty. I believe it was considered a religious task and these people did this very willingly. It was too precisly crafted and detailed. It was a monument to what they considered a dieity. It makes sense they would have considered it a privilige in thier religion to work this way.

    Privilidge to work.... given working tasks as privilege, showing spiritual strength, all benefiting those at the "top" of the religion.... hm....

  • Jeffro


    I'm fairly sure it has been shown that they were not built mainly by slaves but by skilled Egyptian craftsmen who lived in temporary towns for months at a time.

    It certainly isn't mutually exclusive that pyramids were built by 'craftsmen' or 'slaves'. Just by numbers, they were most likely built mainly by slaves. But in regard to planning, design and oversight of construction, that would certainly be down to the craftsmen.

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