Why do Jehovah's Witnesses keep track of field service hours?

by Faithful Witness 68 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    So, if the report is beneficial to check up yhe spiritual status of each JW, why not report how many times a month they pray? How can any one believe that placed litterature or RV's is a signt of spiritual health?

    Or...could it possibly have to do with guilt? Not so many hours should mke the JW feeling bad?

    Oh, I remeber the first time I reported 0 , in fact it will be 25 years aago next month. I feeled so liberated when I told the secretary "Nothing to report, sir" :-)

  • Stand for Pure Worship
    Stand for Pure Worship

    Because prayer in many if not most instances is deeply private and besides keeping track of how often one prays would be contrary to the principle Jesus set out for us at Matt 6:5-13.

  • watson

    "..the principle Jesus set out...." AWESOME.


    Because prayer in many if not most instances is deeply private.....SFPW

    Tell that to the JW Clowns..

    Who make Prayer a 20 Minute Public Endurance Event at WBT$ Assemblies..



    Thank you for rocks,paper clips,teddy bears with only one eye..

    The hole in my bum,chicken soup,belly button lint..

    Speed bumps..Bad gas after I eat chili..Ect..ect..ect..

    ............................. photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    SFPW: You are finally getting closer to answering my original question.

    Matthew 6:1-4

    Jesus warns us about practicing righteousness in order to be recognized by men.

    A field service report is turned in each month, for review by a body of men, who then determine your spiritual health. I don't see how this practice is following Christ's command. These are rules set forth by men.

    What if you still did your service, but kept it between you and Jehovah? He sees it all, and only rewards the good deeds you do NOT report.

    I guess I'm stuck. I can't understand why you need a body of men or a circuit overseer to evaluate your spiritual well-being.

  • Etude

    Stand for Pure Worship:

    I've always likened an individual's time card as a medical record in the sense that when the Circuit Overseer visits, he can review the overall spiritual health of individual publishers and the congregation.

    Spiritual health my ass. It’s all about control. If they don’t like the numbers, you can expect a talk from the platform or an article in the magazines or even direct counseling to you for not dedicating enough hours. When you train somebody right, you’d be surprised what they’ll do for you, how far they’ll go for you. When I was around, I was amazed how many people fudge their hours. They went out to visit somebody for 10 minutes but counted the whole 40 minutes it took to go there and come back as dedicate hours. It turned out not to be a pleasure to preach. It became a chore.

    Please, tell me when in the 1 st century did they go around taking peoples spiritual temperature. Tell me where they sent those hours and to whom, back in the first century. Tell me how the duty of a Christian in the first century changed from a “publisher” to a “pioneer” to a “special pioneer”, etc, etc.

    If “spiritual health” is what they’re measuring, then reporting hours is the rectal thermometer they use to determine it. Anyway you look at it, it’s not very pleasant considering it’s not even the only thing they like to probe you with. I don’t know about you but I like to keep my spiritual health (anus) free of objects.

  • WTWizard

    They track the amount of time they waste so the hounders can hound them to waste even more or see who is starting to waste less.

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    Why do Jehovah's Witnesses keep track of field service hours?

    -because they cop it if they do not, nothing more, nothing less.

    (In other words, field service reports are a stick with which to bash the Rank & File with).


  • Phizzy

    What if a whole Congregation put in their Time reports, anonymously ? The GB would still have atrack of Literature going out, and the Congo's average hours.

    The Elders should know who is going out, they should be out there with the publishers. They should know who is struggling spiritually, if they are really shepherds.

    There is simply no valid reason for having reports with names on, apart from control,control, control and more control.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    STFU if a whole congregation did 0 field ministry but still did everything else required, what would happen to that congregation?

    The CO would would be ordered to investigate and then disband the congregtion, the elders and MS would be deleted and the pioneers would have their title removed.

    Why do all those things hinge on putting hours in in field circus?

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