What do you fear most?

by sleepy 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • sleepy

    What do you fear most?

    When a witness I was afraid of dying at the big A

    Now I just fear dying.

  • Latte


    I fear the idea of ever entering an elderly persons 'home'.

    At present, my main fear is that the borg. will win......they would wreak anyones good reputation - just for leaving.


  • seedy3

    Hmmmmmm......... lets see........ fear.......... the most.......... Hmmmmm....... My kids becoming JW's


  • MarchOn

    The IRS

  • Matty


    I was, and still am afraid of dying at the big A - I never thought I was any good, or worthy, even though I've never done anything that would warrant that feeling - except lack of faith I guess. But at the same time this "fear" has never made me more zealous, like its supposed to - don't you think thats weird?

    There's a big part of me that can't shake this feeling off!

  • CornerStone

    Being conscience of my own mortality. My human weaknesses and fears about NOT-really KNOWING whats on the other side.

    I HATE the idea of having to take things on faith. It's not in my blood.


    My hope in Jesus Christ gives me the courage to 'look up' despite my fears. It has been my experience that putting faith in Christ untangles the web of fear that grips the human heart.

    So I have great fear, but I also have even GREATER hope for the future.


  • U.2.K.

    Y'all need to stop Disrespecting the Witness,..

    Anyway, my only fear is dying... I dont see myself dying, I see myself surviving this last century, and to Stand before the son of man, and to walk into the earthly paradise....

  • Undecided

    Becoming mentally unable to function and my kids having to care for me. I can already detect some problems and hope it's not alzheimers working it's way into my brain. I can't recall names of people or things like normal and at times I can't remember directions to places that I was familiar with. I think I would end my life if I knew I would become unable to function mentally.

    Ken P.

  • mouthy

    Yes Undecided your fears are my fears. I cant imagine how it would be to lose my capability of caring for myself.
    I have Rheamatoid Arthrities.Cant open jars ,doors,at times( besides many other funtions)but when I see it is getting increasingly more difficult-I think & pray PLEASE take me "home" soon.
    I want to die...Not afraid of that at all.I Dont want to have a lingering death-but I guess what we dont know is a blessing .....

  • out4good3

    It's not death I fear, but the transformation from life to death that scares the hell out of me.

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