How to accept the actions of the Old Testament God

by confusedandalone 113 Replies latest jw friends

  • cofty

    And yet anther good thread is hijacked. Tammy you are a troll.

    I know about your recruitment campaign for your voice-hearing cult forum.

    EVERY single post you make is precisely the same risible nonsense.

    It is insulting to every intelligent member of this forum to ahve to put up with it.

    Engage with people as a real human being with real authentic opinions. We have all had more than enough of cults, we don't need a new one.

  • confusedandalone

    "you asking a what if question, one that would not happen. i trust god and know all his ways are good,i would not kill somebody like that of course, a what if question is very leading and is meant to trap a person alot of times. if you were rapist who would you rape first? and you have to answer that. is that not a trap?"

    but unstoppable you are a servant of god. God is supposedly (LOLZ) going to give you guys new information through scrolls.

    WHo knows what he will tell you. He told them to kill once he may do it again.

    The question is not far-fetched.

    You saying that you would nnot do it demonstrates that you still have common sense... I applaud you

  • cofty

    i would not kill somebody like that of course - unstop

    Then thank god you were not born in a different time and place or you would have been disloyal to Yahweh for refusing to murder babies in cold blood.

    Where is your faith?

  • unstopableravens

    two atheist appaulled me today and it not my birthday! your still having wt false teaching ideas, what i mean by that is the bible does not say new scrolls ,the verse in rev 2o says another scroll, it is the scroll that the dead are jugded on, there deeds before the great white throne. the wt says new but thats not in the bible.

  • adamah

    TEC said-

    There are also some laws that were given due to the hard-heartedness of the Israelites. Christ said... "Moses gave you this law because your hearts were hard, but it was not this way from the beginning".

    Oh, yes, no doubt there some hard-headed Israelites who refused to own slaves or engage in genocidal campaigns, and God had to FORCE them to do so. Those were the Israelites who weren't like the murderous Levi, who demonstrated an aptitude for mass murder, eg by wiping out the Shechem ites who tried to mix with his 'kind', or his sons, who led the slaughter of those 3,000 Israelites who worshipped the Golden Calf (which was made for them by Aaron, who got off scot-free).

    Do you see how absurd that line of excusiology is, TEC?

    And if you don't possess even a residue of independent morality within your soul to be able to see that murder is wrong for ANY reason, even in the name of God, you are a mindless borg (just one without a cult).


  • unstopableravens

    cofty: i have faith, however sense having my son, i have wondered if god asked me to do what he asked abraham, what would i say what would i do? i cant answer for sure, i cant imagane that. i dont think i could, you are right thou different times, what i know from abraham is god did not go through with it,

  • watson

    It doesn't matter that God didn't "go thru with it" as far as Abraham and Isaac are concerned. What matters is that God asked Abraham to do it as a test. What a guy.

  • unstopableravens

    watson: what will you say to the lord when you stand before the great white throne?

  • Comatose

    I'll say - .................<worms, dirt, decomp>

  • Stealth

    This thread is going to require a lot of popcorn before it gets locked.

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