Does the WBT$ Train JW`s to be SocioPaths?!..

by OUTLAW 54 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sparrowdown


    Learn the skills to shun effectively with no pesky conscience getting in the way.

    Get the tools to be a tool, and pass on your skills to other wannabe tools.

    Ever wanted to learn how to feign love, sympathy, intellect, knowledge?

    Ever secretly wished the rest of the human race would just die.....horribly.......then have crows eat their bodies?

    Well this is the place for you.

    Sociopath Training school.

  • talesin


    Well, most doctors in Canada have very little psychological training. I don't know how the NHS works, but whatever. If you don't feel my 15 years of study is valid, that's your choice.

    In answer to your musing, I would say no. Average (by that I mean those who are not sociopaths) people are forced to 'act' like sociopaths.

    Shunning is a great example. A mother who shuns her son, and cries every night, feels guilty, depressed and hopeless, because for her, it is unnatural. She has a conscience, she has empathy, she loves her child. Only a sociopath would be able to do this to their child and not feel. That is the difference. This mother is being forced to act like a sociopath, and she does it because it is commanded by Jah (aka the GB), but she feels remorse and guilt, leading to depression. This is where the cognitive dissonance sets in .........

    A true sociopath would feel no guilt, no remorse, and would not get depressed.

    Voila! That's your answer (well, it's my answer).


  • sparrowdown

    I have met many witness parents who shun with zero remorse about it.

    In fact one loving couple proudly told me when their daughter in law got disfellowshipped

    "if this was bible times they would be the ones to stone her "(literally) no shit they stated that without an ounce of remorse, regret, sadness

    or any of those other emotions us non sociopaths feel.

  • talesin

    Kate, same here. So much so that when my parents told me one old elder died, all I felt was relief. I was 40! And out of the JWS for over 20 years, but I was terrified of him. He and his brother ruled Eastern Canada like an iron fist, and well, there's more to it, but suffice to say that I totally agree. The second congo I was in as a teen, was where I got DFd, and the top dog in that one was one of the coldest, strangest people I have ever known. *shudders*

    sparrow, I believe you! Sick and twisted.



    Well this is the place for you.Sociopath Training school...sparrowdown..



    Good Morning Tailsin!..

    I had no idea you had an education in that area..

    Thank you for your Input!..


    I don`t think most JWs feel Remorse or Gulit..

    They will Remind you of the Good Old Days..

    When they would have "Happily Participated in Stoning you to Death!"


    ...........................................................................They Miss The Good Old Days..


    ........................................................................................................................................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

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