god-of-the-gaps. Should we or shouldn't we fiil in the gaps with God?

by KateWild 138 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • snare&racket

    I am glad we are all laughing ha ha ha

    how fun x

    Stauros, we had to know the heart from the atoms up, in fact it was week one of medical school and 7 years later it was relevant to my day today. I managed a patient with calcium channel blockers.......I remember when I first went back to education, I realised how much a religious upbringing had left me ignorant to what humans know. I apologise for getting cheesed off, it isnt your fsult.

    You are literally akin to standing under a sky, refusing to accept the sky is not made of wool because your holy book says it is, laughing at the people explaining why it is in fact a combination of gasses, you stand gripping your beliefs tighter in total denial. Thats cool, but you are unmistakably wrong about the sky, if you were an onlooker to a muslim or buddhist refusing to accept the sky was not made of wood as their texts dictated, you would likely look on and say "what a silly and unreasonable man, the evidence clesrly proves his text wrong, hah I would never be so stupid!" As the buddhist points and laughs at the people trying to help him understand "as if you know more than my god or holy books ha ha ha ha..."

  • Stauros

    The kidneys filter the blood which the heart pumps.........they work in conjunction. Purification of the heart. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.

    Psalm 51:10

    New International Version (NIV)

    10 Create in me a pure heart, O God,
    and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

    Do you understand the meaning of the scriptures now?


  • snare&racket

    just embarassing to watch.....

    I'm off before stauros does an appendectomy using the song of solomon...

  • Stauros

    just embarassing to watch.....

    I'm off before stauros does an appendectomy using the song of solomon...snare&racket

    Hmmmm, I just might.......


  • prologos

    S &R I wish we could talk over a beer and you would see we are not that far apart and behind very shallow comments of mine is a well read background ready to clarify. I did not mean inquisit behaviour is a uniquely human trait. Of course this is not a scientific discussion which is nowodays always about specialties, not the the know it all kind.

    yes I have read some of the Einstein biographies, see the "Einstein in berlin" quote jehovah above. The once were Einstein is heard speaking in the typical berlin/ jargon dialect it gives me a glimps not into but how he felt.

    I cited quantum only for its counterintuitve results, which went counter to my point about the expectation of reliable results in research, not because I understand, or appreciate it. to follow thank you.

  • adamah

    SNR said-

    Basically buddy you have no idea how far behond you are and how out of depth you are, if this is a little embarassing, im sorry all you had to say was "oh i didnt know that." But humility is difficult when it means the loss of your god and holy book..... Maybe god didnt get my cardiac lectures, i should send them Up to him...

    That's the irony, since Xians are usually very cautious about not appearing to come off as haughty mortals, esp after millenia of the Bible telling them what maggots humans are, and telling them how they should cower before God.

    Yet when confronted with evidence that indicates that they ARE lacking in understanding of verifiable facts, they typically drudge up their righteous indignation in the name of protecting their God, when all along, God is a front for THEIR ego, and rejecting their God is taken as a personal insult since they've blurred the lines between themselves and their God projection that they begin to essentially see themselves AS an extension of God:


    Remember as a kid when there was always some bossy kids who'd throw a fit, unless the other kids let them make up the story-line? So everyone else had to play make-believe by their rules or else they didn't want to play with the others? Those kids grew up to be GB members, LOL!

    There's a far-greater arrogance than that of the ego of educated people: it's called the "arrogance of the ignorant", as if someone who claims a belief in an invisible all-powerful being deserves some kind of special recognition or award for their ability to play make-believe better than anyone else, especially those who don't like playing make-believe in the first-place.


  • snare&racket
  • Stauros
    Psalm 8

    New International Version (NIV)

    Psalm 8 [a]
    For the director of music. According to gittith. [b] A psalm of David.

    1 Lord , our Lord,
    how majestic is your name in all the earth!

    You have set your glory
    in the heavens.
    2 Through the praise of children and infants
    you have established a stronghold against your enemies,
    to silence the foe and the avenger.
    3 When I consider your heavens,
    the work of your fingers,
    the moon and the stars,
    which you have set in place,
    4 what is mankind that you are mindful of them,
    human beings that you care for them? [c]

    5 You have made them [d] a little lower than the angels [e]
    and crowned them [f] with glory and honor.
    6 You made them rulers over the works of your hands;
    you put everything under their [g] feet:
    7 all flocks and herds,
    and the animals of the wild,
    8 the birds in the sky,
    and the fish in the sea,
    all that swim the paths of the seas.

    9 Lord , our Lord,
    how majestic is your name in all the earth!

    Estephan, A Firm Believer in The Almighty GOD

  • adamah

    Stauros said- The kidneys filter the blood which the heart pumps.........they work in conjunction. Purification of the heart.

    Sorry, but that would be incorrect.

    The kidneys serve as organs of excretion of wastes NOT for purifying the heart, but for filtering and purifying the blood (Hebrew word, 'dam'). ALL organs of the body, NOT just the heart, pass along the waste products of metabolism via the venous system, and the blood passes through the kidneys so that waste products (urea) can be eliminated from the body via the process of urine formation.

    So close, but no cigar for God, who proves His ignorance of human physiology, yet again.

    Stauros said- Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.

    Ohhh, actually that one's wrong, too.

    Speech actually stems from activity in the language centers of the brain (eg Wernickes area) and arises from the activity of higher-level association areas of the cortex. Once again, the BRAIN, NOT the heart (which you'll remember is only a muscular pump for blood).

    But back to the kidneys:

    Why would Levitical law require that kidneys be offered as a sacrifice for guilt offerings after making a poor choice? What does the kidney have to do with the frontal lobes, the actual location where decision-making occurs?

    If God, the so-called Intelligent Designer, were going for accuracy which served as ABSOLUTE PROOF indicating his knowledge which would be light-years ahead of the neighbors of His "Chosen People" in the Ancient Near East (eg Greeks), wouldn't it be more symbolic to offer up a lamb's brain to serve as a guilt offering? Why would an Intellignent God define a ritual based on the anatomical ignorance of those pagan Egyptians, only such that He's now got egg on his face AFTER men actually discovered the TRUE role of organs like the kidneys?

    Or perhaps the ritual called for kidneys, since the Priestly Class weren't really big fans of eating stewed brains, but they loved them some o' their Cholent (traditional Jewish meal item, i.e. kidney stew)?


  • Resistance is Futile
    Resistance is Futile

    I haven't had time to read all the pages in this thread yet.

    To the original poster I would say that it seems like it would be the height of arrogance to assume that anything I can't comprehend (gaps in my knowledge) must therefore have a supernatural explanation. I'm fine accepting that there are things I don't know. Our ignorance of particular phenomenon in this world shouldn't be seen as evidence for a deity.

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