got baptized today

by unstopableravens 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Aroq

    I am happy for you Unstoppableravens!

  • unstopableravens

    cantleave: of course full immersion and i didnt want to temp the ladies with the speedo lol

  • unstopableravens

    kate: wifey does not like it, but she understands why and knows i had to do it. thanks all

  • Laika

    Congrats unstop! Really pleased for you.

    Fakesmile, the purpose of baptism in the JW religion is to initiate you into their organisation and bring you under the authority of the governing body. The purpose of a christian baptism is to free you from the authorities and the kingdoms of this world and incorporate you into the body and kingdom of Christ. So I would say, yes, Christian baptism definitely invalidates the JW one.

    Also, whilst I must admit to having no memory of the baptism talk when I was baptised as a JW (10 years ago) the last baptism talk I heard, when I was actually paying attention, definitely made no mention of the Matthew 28 scripture at all.

    And finally, a scripture calling baptism a 'dedication' doesn't actualy exist.

  • unstopableravens

    laika: thank you, its so nice having a baptism that is about what god did for me and not what i can now do for a religion.

  • LV101

    I'm so happy for you, Un. I'm assuming this is a Protestant church since I've not kept up with posts lately.

    Best to you.


  • unstopableravens

    lv: yes i go to a reformed baptist church

  • jhine

    Congratulations Unstopableravens .


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