Which people in here (or apostate) would you like to actually meet in person?

by ILoveTTATT 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • besty

    sorry Oubliette - I realised that afterwards - my bad. My business trip was at 24 hours notice, and not thinking 100% on it.

  • Oubliette

    Ok, Besty. I'll forgive you ... THIS TIME!

    We're seeing DNCall and family next week. We'll get the full details of your visit.

    I understand you absconded with a CD of his.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
  • friendaroonie

    Im usually down to meet anybody. There is a couple of people here in Long Beach, CA I know of, one that. I did meet once, but it was such a brief meeting and they never wanted to meet again. Im not sure what I was expecting or what he was expecting. It was back when yahoo meet-up still existed. Its usually like pulling teeth to get anyone to meet up in my experience.

  • mouthy

    I hope you all get to meet the ones you want to....

  • ILoveTTATT

    ooh Mouthy!! you are on my list too!! You must make good food!! Grandmas always do ;)

  • EverApostate

    Anyone around in Clifton, New Jersey USA ? Would be a pleasure to meet.

  • wizzstick

    Besty said:

    we met up with wizzstick and his lovely wife and family a few weeks back - its always nice to meet new people

    We did indeed, and it was fab! Lovely time and great company.

    Aside from Besty and Sweet Pea I've met a few Ex-JW's once before at the UK premier of Truth Be Told. Great to chat and swap stories of life inside.

    Looking forward to meeting more soon.

  • SAHS

    Certainly the main man, Simon. I’m sure he must have an interesting story to tell. I’d like to thank him for making this site – it was very instrumental in me discovering TTATT.

    Minimus, for sure. I always love his very poignant and thought-provoking questions, which seem to bring out the nitty-gritty thoughts and feelings of the JW and post-JW community, including curious lurkers and those who have taken the full apostate plunge. It’s a way to sort of take the true, hidden “pulse” of those affected by the WT organization.

    And, of course, Blondie. I’d like to give her a thumbs-up for providing her objective insights every week, which actually seem to be grounded in stark reality as opposed to the constant Kool-Aid purveying we got from the WT heirarchy.

    I’m surprised nobody would like to meet me and pet my furry coat as you see in my avatar. I’m the cute, lovable dog Maui, who plays Murray on the 90s sitcom “Mad About You.” (Just kidding. I’m still cute, though.)

  • 3rdgen

    Yesterday I met up with SIAM for the second time. He is delightful! I can't wait to meet his family. I'm really looking forward to when we can attend the Tahoe shindig on July 4th. Till then PM me if you are in Northern Ca and want to get together.

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