Knowledge by Proxy

by braincleaned 141 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tec

    To me, Tec has crossed the line into willful ignorance. Many people have pointed out her flawed thinking, tried reasoning with her, tried very succinctly and kindly to help her see that faith can potentially be dangerous - but she is sending but not recieving.

    Blind faith... faith in men... faith in religion... yes, all of that can be dangerous... and even if it proves not to be dangerous, it does not mean that it is based on truth.

    I am not arguing against that. You guys are arguing that faith itself is dangerous, rather than the source one has put their faith IN, putting their faith in that source based on evidence and the teachings OF that source.

    ,Of course her emotions and desires are what keep her blinded, but there must be at some point some concious intellectual dishonesty that keeps her in her deluded and brick-wall like state. (in fact this dishonesty is easy to see in her posts)

    I could say the same... that your emotions and desires that belief or faith in God is dangerous and wrong... keeps you from considering what someone of faith is telling you ABOUT their faith. That it is not blind; not based on men or religion; not based on emotion or desire; not based on nothing, and acting upon it does not ever mean acting outside of love (and not some men's twisted interpretation of love, like a loving god would have to send people to an fire and brimstone hell).

    If even one of you could show me how my faith in Christ is harmful (not the faith that you are talking about and defining), then by all means, PLEASE do so. So far... you argue against generalizations and what you THINK faith is based on what you were taught when you were a believer, even though your faith was in MEN. Something that I argue against as well.

    Dishonesty comes in when someone fails to answer my questions also, I would think.

    I'm sure she's a nice person but I have zero respect for her beliefs.

    Nice or not... that doesn't matter. It is entirely your perogative to respect or not to respect mine or anyone's beliefs or faith.



  • braincleaned

    You seem to be talking out of both sides of your mouth here, for how does one "zealously fight against religious faith" WITHOUT destroying the beliefs of individuals ? We're talking about INDIVIDUALS who have to see for themselves what a danger religious faith represents. No one CAN (or SHOULD) force anyone else to act: they have to "see" it for themselves, showing them WHY faith is so potentially harmful to themselves AND to others.

    Yes Adamah — I think I am guilty of being more politically correct on the outside than I am on the inside. I constantly bite my lip (or online, my thumb) to stay polite and respectful.
    But thru my posts, I hope it is clear that I hate what Religious Faith has done to our species, and that I despise the delusion of Faith! I have but contempt for Jesus and his monster Father.
    I just can't seem to spit that in anyone's face.
    Mea Culpa.

  • braincleaned

    If even one of you could show me how my faith in Christ is harmful (not the faith that you are talking about and defining), then by all means, PLEASE do so.

    Tec — do you KNOW what crimes were and are commited in the name of Christ? Do you know how little respect he has for family values ( Matthew 10:37 AND context) ??
    Faith in Christ has been the cancer of our evolution for over 2,000 years — is that not enough?

    My problem is PRECISELY with Faith in Christ!

  • zound

    you argue against generalizations and what you THINK faith is based on what you were taught when you were a believer, even though your faith was in MEN. Something that I argue against as well.

    You just made a generalisation there yourself tec. My faith wasn't in men - I genuinely believed I had / could have a personal relationship with god when I was a beleiver.

  • adamah

    BTW, the reason I refuse to answer you question is you've repeatedly ignored it so far, in many other threads: why should I waste my breath again, since protecting your faith requires you to put on blinders?

    Reread this thread (and the prior ones on faith). It was answered repeatedly in those.

    TEC SAID- Adamah... you fight against blind faith; or faith in men. I do the same thing.

    You completely ignore the example of Rahab (given in Hebrews 11:31), the prostitute in the town of Jericho, who had to put her faith in the men (the Hebrew spies) who told her to hang a red fabric from her window to be saved. She heard no voice from heaven saying, "Rahab! I will save you IF you put a red cloth out your window!". She put her faith in the men, the spies, who promised her salvation and were supposedly relaying the Will of Jehovah.

    You also ignore the mention of the name of Jephthah, who asked God for assistance in prayer to help him conquer the Ammonites, and even made a foolish vow to offer the first living thing to emerge from his house, if victory was given to him by God.

    There's no mention of his hearing the voice of God ordering him to fight against the enemy, or directing him to offer his daughter as a burnt offering, but Jephthah fought the battle on faith, and even fulfilled his hastily-made vow on faith, since he clearly feared the consequences of NOT keeping his vow to God. Jephthah's daughter was another victim of FAITH.

    See, that's how the building of faith is carried out: a convert to Xianity starts by reading of the accounts in the OT (which is exactly WHY Paul offers these examples of men of faith). Slowly that trust is transferred to those who claim to speak as the servants of God (be it the Governing Body, or Jim Jones, or the Pope). Same schtick, just a different flavor of it.

    But in all cases, it starts out by believing in God and Jesus, and inevitably the faith is transferred to mortal men who contol the faithful like marionettes on a string. It's the oldest scam in the book, but so believers few see it (or they DO see it, but it's an unwritten rule that to speak against faith is like telling a classful of kindergarteners that Santa isn't real: the person who does it is looked at like the Grinch who stole XMas).

    Unfortunately, there's many believers who allow their own selfish desires to blind them to the dangers of faith, of believing in a fantasy, which is down-right deadly to some individuals who are eg struggling with mental health issues, and already have enough trouble discerning reality from make-believe where adding demons to the mix is downright toxic.

    But I forgot: it's all about YOU, right?

    TEC SAID- There is nothing dangerous about faith in Christ. If you are listening to HIM, EVEN if that means beginning with what He is WRITTEN to have said and done. But if you start listening to men... well then, you get the jws, for example. You get shunning. You get religion. You get suicides and wars and torture and executins, fought and done in the name of God... but all LIES.

    Let me guess: those are not TRUE Xians, right?

    See, that's the problem: if you share the same belief in God and Jesus as the other Xians, then you also share some of the blame for the actions they do in their names. Otherwise, you're citing the "no true Scotsman" fallacy, and each group points at the others and makes the same defense; then no one can be held accountable for the damaging effects of faith.

    But the fact is, since you share the profession of faith as a virtue, you share in their crimes.

    Terry said-

    This topic is a matter of personal taste, subjective point of view and interpretation of internal calculus which cannot successfully be debated. Would you argue against a person who tells you their molar hurts?

    It's turned into a discussion of the virtue of faith, itself, i.e. a discussion of what the ramifications of adopting a faith-based approach (i.e. zero evidence before acting) vs the skeptic's asking for evidence before adopting a belief. Hebrews 11 differentiates between having internal faith vs demonstrating faith, or professing others to lead a faith-based lifestyle.


  • zound

    Tec — do you KNOW what crimes were and are commited in the name of Christ? Do you know how little respect he has for family values ( Matthew 10:37 AND context) ?? Faith in Christ has been the cancer of our evolution for over 2,000 years — is that not enough?

    None of them were following christ properly braincleaned - they thought they were. They were just following men.

  • zound

    Dishonesty comes in when someone fails to answer my questions also, I would think.

    Is there a question I didn't answer?

  • braincleaned

    One thing is for sure; all this I "feel/hear/see" Christ stuff is drowning in dreamy cottonballs the virtue of truth and reality.

    Jesus was supporting a despotic dad (who for most, was himself) — and admitted he came to bring the sword EVEN within the family unit.
    No wonder men — yes MEN — followed-in with horrors like the Inquisition or the Crusades. This was NO misunderstanding.
    He was no John Lennon...

    Following that, the misogynistic Paul invented Christianity, base on the delusion that he also heard the voice of Christ.
    This is a nightmare. And no amount of woo-woo wording with new age music in the background is gonna change the horrid facts of Christ.

  • tec

    You just made a generalisation there yourself tec. My faith wasn't in men - I genuinely believed I had / could have a personal relationship with god when I was a beleiver.

    This is a contradiction, is it not? Your faith was in the men teaching you about "Jehovah". Christ did not tell you to put your faith in them. Just the opposite. Not singling you out either, because we all, on this site, listened to men over Christ... or we would not have been IN the wts (or even on the verge of being IN the wts), accepting men as Truth.

    You genuinely beleived you had a relationship with God... but you now know that this is untrue. You had a relationship with Jehovah... through the wts.

    Not God... through Christ.

    You can get angry at me for saying that... but I'm not sure how you can honestly deny it.



  • zound

    Again a generalisation.

    I tried to have a personal relationship with god years after the JW's.

    By the way, I was a born in, so I didn't choose to join the JW's.

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