What % of householders would have a clue about the "life saving " message JW`s have brought to their doors these past 100 years.

by smiddy 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • smiddy

    I`m an optimist and I would say zilch . I would bet you a million dollars ( if I had a million dollars ) that if you did a survey in the street that you live , asking the householders what is the life saving message jehovahs witnesses bring to your door on a regular basis , they would not have a clue.

    And they have been preaching this message for over 100 years . How inefective can they be .

    The probable answers you would get are : They dont take blood transfusions. They dont salute the flag. They dont go to war.

    And thats about it .The vast majority of householders have no idea why jehovahs witnesses come to their doors unless it is to gain converts , or donations , they have no idea of the message witnesses are supposed to be giving .

    Whats your thoughts on this


  • ABibleStudent

    Hi Smiddy, Most non-JWs who I know feel that JWs are members of a kooky, harmless cult and to stay away from JWs. I on the other hand I feel that the WTBTS is a dangerous cult because the WTBTS uses BITE control techniques to victimize JWs. I wish I knew a better way to help non-JWs see how dangerous the WTBTS really is and to make sure that no more non-JWs will be recruited by the WTBTS.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • factfinder

    my best friend told me he had absolutely no idea what jws believe before I told him.

    Most people don't.

  • prologos

    There were occasions, that even after month of "bible study" some of the more dense householders would exclaim " oh, you mean to say -- fill in your favoured doctrine---". of course if you asked the average witness in the street, witnessing, he could not explain fresh light, mediatorship, groups in overlapping generations etc either.

    10 min of "service time" per year for each inhabitant of the planet.

  • konceptual99

    I told a Witness who is good friends with me that I thought the D2D work was a waste of time. He was shocked but when I explained how ineffective it was he conceded I had a point. He then back at me with the "at least we are representing Jehovah" argument. So I told him the command was to make disciples and teach, not waste hours and hours talking to no one. I also tol him to consider that more people are being born than we can preach to. If the point is to preach to the majority then we are wasting our time. He then jokingly called me an apostate.

  • Phizzy

    The only things the average member of the public knows about JW beliefs is what they do not do, no Birthday celebrations, or Christmas, and no life-saving procedures involving blood, even if their children are going to die.

    Beyond that, the public just knows that JW's are plain weird.

    Having presented this as the public face of JWism, a loving god is supposedly going to kill billions of people, (including babies), because they did not ask the loony at the door to tell them more.

    Jehovah, the God of Justice, HaHaHaHa.

  • bemused

    As a never-in, all my friends and acquaintances are non-JWs other than a few family members. Unless someone has a JW relative I would say they would have absolutely no idea what JWs believed in. When I tell people that I have JW relatives they sometimes ask what it's all about and it's usually clear they know nothing at all about the WTBTS. For many it's a surprise that JWs use the Christian bible, so I think it's safe to conclude that the missionary work has not been a great success.

    I agree with ABibleStudent that JWs are seen as harmless. There's usually a few jokes about hiding behind the curtains until they go away but I can't recall ever hearing a negative comment from a non-JW.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Another thing that shows how ineffective JWs have been in their ministry for the past 100 years is the fact that the majority of non-JWs don't even know that JWs believe in Jesus Christ. 'Oh, you don't believe in Jesus' is a frequent reply that many JWs get by a good many householders in the door-to-door work. This alone shows how much they have failed in their preaching work.

    That's a sad commentary for Jehovah's Witnesses!

    Good topic Smiddy!


    Awesome topic! Maybe some of us could take some informal polls? Wouldn't that be hilarious?! Imagine faders going in field-circus, instead of offering mags and tracts, we could poll householders.. He, he...

    Fader JW: Good morning! ( smile, show a personal interest ) My name is XXXX, I know you were not expecting me this morning, so I will be brief. I am talking to your neighbors about religious cults, more specifically Jehovah's Witnesses. Are you familiar with thier beliefs?

    HH: Uhhhh.. They don't believe in JESUS???

    I wonder how many out of 100 random people would know ANYTHING at all about JW doctrine.

  • OnTheWayOut

    The probable answers you would get are : They dont take blood transfusions. They dont salute the flag. They dont go to war.

    Ha! No, I don't think so.

    The probable answers you would get are: They don't believe in doctors and medicine. They don't believe in Jesus. They believe in that Jehovah guy, whoever he is. They ride bicycles.

    Only really informed people would know about blood transfusions, and neutrality. Some might get the flag thing right.

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