Why was Homosexual Sex not grounds for Divorce? WTS Views Against Christendom's New Light?

by SanLuisObispoTruthSeeker 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Vidiot

    DesirousofChange - "In the 03/15/83 WT which you quoted, they have rescinded that 'perverse acts' within marriage are grounds for scriptural divorce."

    The WTS never "rescinds" anything.

    Such a public statement would imply that they had made a mistake in the first place; and they'd rather gargle with broken glass than do that.

    They just quietly and steadily tone down the rhetoric until it's gone, and then bump the matter in question off the list of DFing offenses in the Elders' super-secret handbook. It's an effective technique, and in many cases, the R&F doesn't even take notice until it's long gone (if they even notice it at all).

    Actually, I should say it used to be an effective technique.

    The rate at which WT policy dropped erroneous beliefs (as a result of empirical evidence that effectively refuted them) used to more-or-less follow the rate at which said evidence emerged (one example is the now-completely-debunked theory of "Flood geology"). The passage of time was on their side, and since the Big A was just around the corner, any mistakes would be moot before too long, anyway...

    Largely thanks to the advent of the Information Age, however, empirical evidence, logical arguments, and direct experiences that successfully refute WT ideology are far more numerous and well-presented, and - more importantly - emerging at a breakneck pace compared to the WT's "Golden Age". An ultraconservative 20th Century high-control group simply can't respond and adapt at that speed.

    I suspect it's another reason the rhetoric against critics and opponents (XJW or otherwise) has been cranked up to 11, recently; historically, high-control groups that feel increasingly more threatened than usual have a tendency to lash out in an increasingly unhinged manner.

    IMO, the WTS is collectively fighting for its life (or at least, feels that way).



    1) Legalism

    2) buggery at Bethel


  • SanLuisObispoTruthSeeker

    Hi! I drove past all the wonderful Preachers at Starbucks at 10:15 AM, Service start's at 9:30 here in San Luis Obispo, County California. I wanted to thank everyone for their stellar posts.

    One Bethelite I know was sent home from Bethel for beating up some homosexual non-practicing men who were hitting up on him in 1974 to 1978 in New York. That's what he claims, I can't verify what this JW say's because he lies frequently and has a history of hurting his fellow Christians by ruling with a iron-fist and great deficiency of love.

    Freddy-the-Bethelite hated Bethel because he felt he ran in to way too many men, who liked men, he was rude towards anyone who made a pass or gabbed his 19th year old behind in those days. My brain is fried trying to evaluate why a former Bethelite who was unappreciate of homosexuals made at him (i have had my fair share of gay men hitting on and i use to flirt back to screw with them. We had lot's of fun goofing around but I am not Gay and if they are, that's their life and I will not hurt another person for how they chose to love.

    Blondie, you posted the Mosaic Law on homosexual acts and Paul's words in his letters are clear, why does the GB act One Hundred Years or more behind Christendoms Scholars?

    "I could be wrong but, considering how many closeted gay GB members there have allegedly been, it may have been spun that way as a loophole for these guys to avoid the public embarassment of divorce if their wives caught 'em with another man.

    'Course, all that changed when rabid homophobe Knorr took over as president.

    Hmmm. It just occurred to me, most rabid homophobes are deep in the closet, themselves..." Vidiot

    Bingo! Vidiot I thought this was a possible reason why, long-timers like Terry and Dogpatch might be better to answer this question about homosexual men controlling Bethel, rumors about Freddy and Knorr would be a freak-out if some truth came forward. The Judge had more than one women according to more sources coming forward, trying to get any of the children or friends who knew his sins is impossible. Thank you.

    Vidiot, what games do you love to play?

  • Vidiot

    Mind games, of course.

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