Probably the most bizarre encounter with a witness family.

by Dis-Member 21 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Dis-Member

    Went to a bar with a friend a few days ago.. we were sitting in the outside garden and I went back inside to get another round. On my way back out I passed some tables with a family of about 6 or 7 people sitting and celebrating a birthday.

    I overheard the name Jehovah mentioned and I stopped and asked if they were witnesses to which one of them replied 'yes'.

    We got into conversation about the latest watchtowers and the governing body. None of them had a clue what I was talking about.

    They new nothing of the 8 men Brooklyn being the faithful and discreet slave, nothing about C.T Russell or Rutherford, nothing of how Jesus came and selected them as his chosen people in 1914-19, in fact the only thing they knew about 1914 was that that was when the first world war started, nothing about Malawi and Mexico, never heard of Candace Conti or any of the sex abuse scandals, nothing about the 2 witness rule, nothing about the elders being chosen by the Holy Spirit, nothing about 'new light', nothing about the Orgs involvement with the UN, nothing about the blood fractions changes They knew almost nothing at all about the majority of their own organisations core teachings. They were totally ignorant of the societies changes and flip-flops.

    It seemed that none of them read very much and certainly never researched anything online or off. None of this information seemed to matter in the slightest to any of them as they happily celebrated the birthday party. None of what I then spent a hour sharing seemed to matter in the slightest, it was still 'the truth'.

    At one point 3 of them joined me and my friend in the bar garden and I was gob smacked to see 2 of them (both female adults) light up a joint and share it between themselves!! I asked them how they could be doing all this stuff as witnesses??

    The reply was: 'It's ok we are not baptised'.

    As far as they were concerned almost anything goes as long as you don't get baptised. You can quite happily be a witness with almost zero real knowledge of anything to do with the religion or it's history and do what ever you fancy as long as you have not been dunked in the pool.

    Nothing surprises me any more about these folk!

    They function and operate in a collective brain dead coma. Nothing it seems can or will wake them up from the 'zombie stroll' the org has duped them into.

  • ILoveTTATT

    Wow... just leave them... blind, completely blind and brain-dead...

  • Kojack57

    Thats just too funny. i would think the G.B. likes it like that, by that i mean those in association, who know nothing about their failed prophecies, lies, flip

    flopping of doctrine and so forth.

    When they finally get baptized and their behaviour doesn"t change, they will be in for a rude awakening wont they?

  • Giordano

    You will notice a lot of our newbies discovering all of those things when they start hanging out here. The WT tries to hide just about everything.

    Being a witness especialy for a born-in is really all about having a social life. Being accepted without any real effort.

    I onced asked a witness relative if he would leave if he found out that JW'S did not have the truth. He said no....he'd stay because he enjoyed the people and life style.

  • AbaDaddy

    ignorance within within the organization i am aware of, but ignorance within the ignorance of the organisation....? Amazing. I love that you took time to investigate this though. :-)

  • rebel8

    That is quite an unusual experience.

  • KariOtt


  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    It reminds me of an interaction with a convert on the forum. This "we did not know" or "how dare they kick me out for being unwed and very pregnant" just struck me as b.s. and I said so. All my life I heard these rules enforced without mercy. What religion encourages teenage pregnancy? I don't as an individual. The person claimed that no one bothered to tell them. I tend to believe the person's statement.

    I recall how no one would talk to anyone at the KH outside of their clique. If you were fortunate, someone would knod their head at you. Yet if a newbie were present, wow, the lovefest. The converts could not experience my socialization in the constant stream of people kicked out. The tears - oh, the tears and the wailing. My family was usually forgiving but would not break the shunning rules.

    Every once in a while, I meet people studying with the Witnesses. They seem sincerely happy.

    Oh, to be happy. This scenario reminds me of the Roman Catholic Church's accomodations to paganism in Euorpe and the Americas. The folk religions and official RC religio co-exist. St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York is a scene of vodoo worsihp besides Roman Catholic worship. I am a good example. Since there was never any teaching method appropriate for children or teens, my mind was a mish mash of Jesus picked up from public media, classmates, Kennedy legend makers, and the KH. I knew JWs did not believe in the Trinity but I thought Jesus was almost God. He ranked very high in my belief system. I was confused about his spook body after death but then kids get confused. Basically, I knew all the rules but little of the doctrine. k

    My knowledge of the Bible was minimal even tho I knew certain scriptures so well I wanted to puke. How does reading a few scriptures in WT lit equate with any theme presented in the Bible? I also know this from converts. Sometimes they interpret their own rules but once baptism happens, the elders enforce.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Bizarre is right. and and and lol and .

    What you saw and heard, must have given you, some of the above expressions. lol

    Like... How wacko , was THAT? lol

    As they say. Truth is stranger than fiction. lol


  • Finkelstein

    There many so called JWS who act in this way, for one reason or another, they go to meetings to put a JWS face on themselves ,

    then when they're away from the Kingdom Hall anything and everything is possible.

    I used to know some JW alcoholic adulterers, who if you presented some opposition to the JW organization they would get all uppity

    and protective.

    Simple answer to all of this , ..... they're pretentious idiots playing game of now you see me, now you don't, like if they stick their foot

    in a door of a Kingdom Hall once a month all is OK in their minds.

    ...and lets face it, there are many teens who go to meetings just to appease their parents perhaps while they are living with their parents.

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