Are JW's scared of visiting apostate websites?

by yadda yadda 2 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    I believe they are. I think it's their biggest fear besides dying at Armageddon.

    There's a saying that anyone who reads Ray Franz's books is never the same again. I think many JW's secretly know that there is information out there that would almost certaintly seriously damage their truth in their religion, and they are terrified of it.

    They would rather keep their heads firmly stuck in the sand than even take a peek at critical information that might begin a slippery slope leading to the collapse of their unique worldview.

    JW doing their version of the Islam prayer:

  • EdenOne


    Your analysis is quite fair. Many JW's think that talking with 'apostates' or viewing 'apostate material' will somehow put them under some sort of a satanic wicked spell that eventually stumble them and knock their faith out of them. I know that for some JW's, apostasy = spiritism. And truth be told, that is the outcome for many who dare to disobey the WTS policy. However, if one challenges itself to do so, and his faith can survive the test, usually he comes out of it more solid about his theism, albeit undoubtly more sober about his religion.


  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    What do you mean, that many 'apostates' fall prey to spiritism lol?

  • emeth

    No they are not scared but wise not to waste their time and being disloyal. Besides that apostates have nothing to offer. They have no 'spiritual paradise' or peace loving people all over the world who do not join in wars, go to prison as conscious objectors just because they dont want to kill other people etc etc.

    See for example the figures from South Korea,.. taken from

    From 2000 to 2008, Korean Military Manpower Administration said that at least 4,958 men have objected to service in the military because of religious beliefs. Among those, 4,925 were Jehovah's Witnesses, 3 were Buddhists, and the other 30 refused the mandatory service because of conscientious objections other than religious reasons. [ 58 ] Since 1950, there have been more than 16,000 Jehovah's Witnesses sentenced to a combined total of 31,256 years for refusing to perform military service. If alternative service is not provided, some 500 to 900 young men will continue to be added each year to the list of conscientious objectors criminalized in Korea.

    And this picture is the same in every country. A tiny bit of other kind of people are willing to go to jail or face punishments 96% of the people is JW. It shows that Jehovah's Witnesses are peaceful and practise what they preach. They practise what they preach on many different things. Apostates look like a bunch of amateurs who can offer nothing except for emptiness and chaos, besides that there is no unity among apostates.

  • EdenOne

    No, I mean the notion that 'apostasy' is as dangerous as spiritism, both being Satan's tools - as per WTS ideology.


  • blondie

    I started out by visiting unofficial jw sites. I met Simon on one. Those sites conditions you after awhile. After all, they are all jws or say they are. The administrator tried to keep the negative or "apostate" tone out. But eventually the tone drifted more and more. I finally was kicked off when I suggested that the WTS was being hypocritical by allowing blood fractions made out of expired stored blood, especially since the bible said that blood should be poured out. That got too many posters thinking.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    No they are not scared but wise not to waste their time and being disloyal...Apostates look like a bunch of amateurs who can offer nothing except for emptiness and chaos,

    Be careful my son, you are playing with fire being here. You're sitting at the 'table of demons' (ooooohhh) thinking you are too strong to fall into the temptation of eating forbidden apostate fruit.

    I GUARANTEE that if you read both of Ray Franz's books and keep reading every post on this forum for the next 2 years, you will eventually become an 'apostate' too. Are you up for that or just here to troll?

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    They go nuts at you if they think you've looked at an apostate site, and are scared of them because they've been phobia indoctrinated for years that if you see anything apostate, that's it! You've sinned against the holy spirit and will instantly fall prey to Satan and out of the truth.

  • losingit

    Visiting apostate sites and reading apostate literature is the direct equivalent of speaking to Satan himself. Yeah, i was very very scared.

  • emeth

    @yadda yadda

    It took some time before i could post this answer because as a newbie i am limited in postings per day.

    I was a guest at 'Satans Table' for almost my whole life,.. it started when i was 14 years old or so and ended when i was about 40 years old.
    I have the book of Franz here on my bookcase in my room (had it long before i became a Witness) and am familiar with this website longer than you are a member.

    I dont feel the need to read every topic here and have better things to do than hanging around for years on a website with people who clearly have some sort of problem. Till 2008 i was , what some people here call, an 'independent and critical thinker'. And i did read all the pro's and con's. I did read about everything i could find on the internet. After doing that , and studying it, i decided to become one of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Anyway your challenge does not change what i have said. You all look like a bunch of amateurs that are divided and have nothing to offer except for emptiness and chaos. I have chosen for a group of people that have produced some fruit i dont see among other groups. I already showed you the example of conscious objection against bloodshed, war, nationalism, killing etc etc.

    This is my final statement in this topic since reading or discussing more is just a waste of my time.

    Kindest regards,

    Emeth (the Netherlands)

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