How can I protect all the secret watchtower books and elder letters on my tablet?

by KariOtt 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • KariOtt

    Thank you everyone. If I have any problems I'll post for help again. You guys are awsome.

  • DesirousOfChange

    look at programs like Folder Guard. NOt sure if it's available for a tablet.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    "and I give him the answer key to the TMS review"

    I do what JGNAT does and my wife LOVES it!

  • Terry

    Change the text to the color WHITE.

    When you want to read the files use CONTROL + A on this page.

    On the rest of this line I will demonstrate.Use CTRL+A: This is an example of white text which is normally hidden. Ends here.

  • KiddingMe


  • tornapart

    Could you use a memory stick with your tablet? Transfer the files and then wipe them off your tablet. Hide the memory stick somewhere safe to use when you want.

  • jgnat

    I would password protect a flash drive even. Here's free software and a tutorial on how to encrypt and password protect files wherever they are:

  • GonzoX

    Backup your data to a flash drive.

    Backup to a CD or DVD.

    If you have a trust worthy freind have them also keep a backup copy.

    Use cloud storage.

  • KariOtt

    Thanks again everyone for all your help and suggestions. I don't want to delete the files after I have secured their safety. If for some reason they do get a hold of my tablet and remove the files I will be the first to inform them that They didn't win that I have them backed up in a secure location. I plan to put them on cloud and or dropbox plus on a couple of flash drives and mail them to my dad and a really good friend. Since my hubby has my password for this site I hope he checks my posts or the elders have a lookie lou at what I've posted, see this thread and freak out at the fact that there will be several ways they wont be able to take the files away from me.

  • jgnat

    Elders are paper tigers. Their only hold is what Witnesses give them. As a woman and a non-witness, you have as much status as the scrapings on their shoe. They may "give a good witness" by being friendly to your face but if you try and have an intelligent conversation with one you will be given about as much attention as a cuckoo clock. See, they think you are hop

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