Matthew 5:37. A question for all who stand for pure worship!

by DATA-DOG 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs



    Thanks for that PDF. I will have to continue reading it. It's pretty heady, although the main point is clear enough.

    So far we have a "NO", a "YES", and a " No way to know ", from The Quiet One, is that correct?

    If you were put on the witness stand, under oath, and the Judge said , " Is God's name JEHOVAH?", how would you answer?

  • emeth

    certain evidence indicate that it is, however 100% certainty cannot be given, like with many things in life we uphold.

  • wasblind

    If you were put on the witness stand, under oath, and the judge said, " is God's name Jehovah ? , how would you answer___DATA DOG

    A Jehovah's witness would answer like this :

    " The Bible shows that there would be a great increase in knowledge of the truth during the " time of the end ". Increased knowledge often requires adjustments in one's thinking. Jehovah's Witnesses are willing humbly to make such adjustments."___Reasoning book page 205

    We Jehovah's Witnesses believe that truth is subject to change ; But worldy judges think otherwise

    because they are controlled by Satan


  • Giordano

    I'd say NO. Obviously god isn't concerned with his name because he's kept it hidden. Jesus didn't mention it...... come to think of it there's lots of stuff Jesus didn't mention that the WT promotes.

    It was a bad idea to call themselves Jehovah's Witnesses, their desire to be different has always tripped them up. They should have stuck with International Bible Students or even better....... Christian Witnesses, something with a little dignity.

    When JW's say 'Jehovah God', that tells me they have no real confidence that people understand who jehovah really is since it's not a name most people think about or use. Tacking god on to it is well....tacky

    People don't say Allah God, or Baal God, or Thor God do they?

    I also sense that ex witnesses who refer to god as jehovah sound like they are still transitioning out of WT dogma.

  • The Quiet One
    The Quiet One

    I'd reply: "I've got no idea, your honour. The only thing I know is that if God wanted us all to know how to say His name, he sure as hell picked the wrong language"



    I have always found the term " Jehovah God " to be redundant. It's like saying your biological Father's name + Dad all the time. If your kid did that, you would eventually wonder what was wrong with them.

  • sir82

    If you were put on the witness stand, under oath, and the Judge said , " Is God's name JEHOVAH?", how would you answer?

    Thinking as a JW, I think I could answer "Yes".

    Justification: Suppose I were on trial in Mexico, and a judge were to ask me if the name the world peace organization headquartered in New York that began operating in 1945 was named the "Naciones Unidos".

    I would realize he was referring to what I know, in English, as the "United Nations", and he was using the Spanish name for it, so I'd say "yes".

    Likewise, I would recognize that "Jehovah" is the most commonly accepted English term used for the Hebrew name represented by YHWH, so I'd also say"yes".

  • DS211

    If it IS his name then wouldnt JWs be guilty of using "God's" name in vain? Either way it doesnt matter jesus said theres only one name one must get saved by according to the NT (which jdubs claim they follow) and that is Christs name. Hence its BS that theWT puts such a high reliance on such.

  • caliber

    [ab-suh-loo-tiz-uhm] Show IPA
    the principle or the exercise of complete and unrestricted power in government.
    any theory holding that values, principles, etc., are absolute and not relative, dependent, or changeable.

    absolutism , absolutely can not work all the time in every sitution

  • bats in the belfry
    bats in the belfry

    Giordano >>> They should have stuck with International Bible Students or even better....... Christian Witnesses, something with a little dignity.

    You may be on to something. It's in the making:

    • ISBA
    • International Bible Students
    • Jehovah's Witnesses
    • Jehovah's Christian Witnesses
    • Christian Witnesses

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