Why I'm against obamacare - Aunt cares more about food stamps than dead nephew

by bytheirworks 26 Replies latest social current

  • cofty

    Excellent book.

  • BizzyBee

    Please tell me this is a parody of Tea Party hatred and stupidity.

    I don't think such a thing is even possible anymore.

  • BizzyBee
  • LisaRose

    I can't watch the video on the Kindle, but I assume it's person you feel is not deserving of health care. So do you think all poor people are like that one person? Do you think poor people don't deserve health care?

    I will tell you about one family that will benefit from the ACA. My son and his wife are both employed full time, but cannot get healthcare from their jobs. Where they live, there are few jobs that pay for healthcare. My DIL has polycystic ovary syndrome, so they wouldn't be able to qualify for insurance due to preexisting conditions. My five year old granddaughter has some health problems too. They have had a few emergencies in the past few years, each time putting them further in debt, making it harder to pay for insurance, even if the could get it, and keeping them from ever saving enough money to buy a home or do other things. My DIL has list jobs due to excessive absences due to health and child care issues, although she is working now. They have the constant worry that another medical emergency will put them further in the hole. Being young, they have made mistakes, and a few poor choices, but they are doing the best they can, learned from their mistakes, and are working hard to try to get ahead. They would be happy to pay for healthcare if they could buy it at a reasonable amount.

    But you would deny that to them. It's easy to sit and judge people, it's harder to show compassion for people who may not have had the advantages you may have had, or who have had problems and challenges in their life. You Tea Partiers are so out of touch, nobody is trying to take anything from you, they are just trying to make the system work better for all. The current system is not working. I don't know if the ACA is perfect, I doubt it. I do hope whatever problems it has will be worked out so that everyone can get health care in this country, even if they are poor, lost their job, or aren't as lucky as you and I

  • designs

    This comes from the same mindset that says of a criminal- No trial just take em out and lynch em.

  • bytheirworks

    there is a great myth that... cofty, lisa rose, bizzybee, designs, and all other liberals... believe.

    That free healthcare... is free.

    In 1880 Otto von Bismark gave UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE to all of Germany. Let me ask you:

    Where was that healthcare when the Jews needed it?

    Where was that healthcare when the Jehovah's Witnesses needed it?

    Where was that healthcare when the Homosexuals needed it?

    Where was that healthcare when the "undesireables" need it?

    Oh... but I'm the cold-hearted one. You liberals are "mentally diseased."

  • bytheirworks

    Lisa Rose - "I do hope whatever problems it has will be worked out so everyone can get health care in this country"

    First of all, we already have a system that allows EVERYONE to get HEALTHCARE.

    If someone gets sick, or gets a heart attack... do we leave that person to die in the street? NOOOOOOOOOO!!

    An ambulence is called... which goes to a hospital... where that person gets HEALTHCARE... whether they can afford it or not.

    If they need an operation, go to the CATHOLIC or CHARITY HOSPITALS.

    It doesn't even need to be that serious. If they need minor care, they can go to a clinic and PAY!!!

    Now which do you prefer: Healthcare... or Health Insurance but you die in the hallway of the hospital waiting to see a doctor?

    That is the daily occurence in the socialist healthcare countries of the world.

    If government run healthcare is so great... why are the European nations moving to PRIVITAIZE their healthcare? hmmmmm?

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