Use Of Electronic Tablets At Meetings

by Brother Mike 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Brother Mike
    Brother Mike

    Do You Use them? I do.

    What does the Soceity Actually Say About Them? (I know some the members of the GB Use Them)

    What do you think about using them at meetings?


  • respectful_observer

    Tablets are used quite liberally in my congregation. As far as I know, the only "rule" (albeit via a branch letter to the elder body which was not read to the congregation) was that tablets are currently banned from use on the stage so that the Friends TM don't feel pressured to go out and buy one.

    Example: the only time my school overseer DOESN'T use his tablet is when he's conducting the TMS.

  • sir82

    There was a new BOE letter just released this past week that says you can now use them from the platform, so long as it wouldn't "stumble others".

    Prior to that letter using your tablet from the platform was explicitly prohibited.

  • dropoffyourkeylee

    Last month the Circuit overseer was in our area (midwest US) and after he left they made it clear that tablets were not to be used by any of the TMS speakers, or from the platform, unless it were a demonstration on the service meeting. The reason given was that since they are relatively expensive, some might feel pressured to buy one and feel bad if they didn't have one.

    But that was before the new Bible and new App release, and I didn't hear the letter this week.

    Admittedly, trying to find a Bible verse with the app is a little cumbersome compared to the usual way.

  • Simon

    I remember years ago my elder-wannabe brother in law getting pissy because I was using my Compaq PDA during the meeting. OMG

    His head nearly exploded when I showed him I had the WTS literature on it ... Specifically, the elders manual.

    Using electronic devices is an inevitability but will give people a means of mental escape even when they are physically trapped at the KH.

    Heck, they can browse JWN!

  • pronomono

    I was already using mine on stage prior to this, mainly for timekeeping though. Nobody ever said anything about it. Now the BOE letter just makes it official.

  • adamah

    Sir82 said-

    There was a new BOE letter just released this past week that says you can now use them from the platform, so long as it wouldn't "stumble others".

    What does that even mean? You cannot use one if it doesn't have a MagSafe connector, or you need to make sure the power cord is taped down?

    Seriously though, how is someone supposed to determine that some old bitty (let's call her Sister Luddite) won't be offended by all these new-fangled geegaws, which she cannot figure out how to use (and refuses to learn about) and would be "stumbled"?

    On the other hand, I suppose she's not going anywhere: she's got nowhere else to go....

    You all KNOW that JWs are happy that they've been blessed by Jehovah to FINALLY be allowed to enter the electronic Promised Land (what, some 20 years after these devices have popped up)?


  • losingit

    The last few times i was at the meeting, i usd my smartphoneto browse JWN.

  • sherrie11

    From what I have seen from stallholders on the streets in NSW Australia they always have tablets or iphones with them and always looking at them as opposed to the person passing by that may be looking for ' truth'

    head down and mobile in hand they look up because a bystander interrupted them. " why are you looking at your fone all the time" they exclaim' the app helped an angel find someone looking for truuf.. (someone looking for truth.)

    and in the meantime they are counting false hours.

  • Brother Mike
    Brother Mike

    Myself, I really enjoy using tablets at the meetings. It kind of makes the meetings a little more fun.

    BTW if anyone can find those letters for me that would nice. Thanks.

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