RNWT: Page 1767: About 1914

by StephaneLaliberte 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • StephaneLaliberte

    In Appendix B1, there is a timeline for the Message of the bible. On the second page of that appendix, there is a small section entitled "About 1914", what is this? Don't you find it odd that they use the word "About"? Wouldn't anywhere between 1913-1915 qualify as About 1914? Is this the first time they do this?

  • cofty

    Does it not mean "Concerning 1914"?

  • StephaneLaliberte

    It doesn not mean "concerning" as this is clearly a timeline.

    After 4026 B.C.E1943 B.C.E
    After 1070 B.C.E
    29 C.E
    33 C.E
    About 1914 C.E

  • Apognophos

    No, he's right. I noted this as strange in my post on this page (search for 1914): http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/beliefs/264955/2/My-highlights-from-the-AGM

  • slimboyfat

    To hazard a guess: it says "about" not to indicate doubt about the date 1914 as the end of the "gentile times" but because of the slight doubt about how immediately Satan was thrown out of heaven following that date.

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    This is worse than saying "on or around 1914". Adding this "ambiguity" to they're keystone date is probably their first step (of many to come) towards eventually eliminating what they already know is an indefensible doctrine.

  • StephaneLaliberte

    slimboyfat :I think you have a very good guess, but, obviously, throwing Satan upon earth could not have occurred before the end of the gentile time, so this would rule out before 1914. As for First World War, it has always been used as the proof that Satan was hurled upon earth. Therefore, it could not have happened after 1914. So this still does not explains the "ABOUT" being used other then perhaps, the end of the gentile times could have ended before 1914.

  • slimboyfat

    Satan must have fallen from heaven at least a few weeks after the outbreak of WW1 even by Watchtower reckoning (WW1 started in August, Gentile Times ended September/October), so that changes nothing. About can mean on or after, not necessarily including before.

  • Apognophos

    Then... why would they have said "about", if it had to have happened that year? They didn't say "About October 1914", they said "About 1914".

  • StephaneLaliberte

    You're right slimboyfat! Questions from Readers May 15 2009 confirms that!

    Why did I miss this? How does it make any sense in the minds of any Jehovah's Witnesses goes beyond me... This means that First World War would have occured with or without Satan thrown on earth. Then, how can they use that war as a proof for?

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