Any fitness gurus out there

by Leander 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • Naeblis

    Heh. I was wondering if anyone else remembered Cybergenics. I'm embarassed to admit I did try the stuff. Hey I was 14. I loved the little disclaimer on the pills that they didn't work in NY or wherever it was because their laws forced them to admit it was bogus. LOL. Man I was dumb.

  • MikeMusto

    oh yeah...I used to live off of HotStuff
    It had everything but the kitchen sink

  • MikeMusto


    Who would want to fight this?

  • MegaDude


    I like the T mag website, but the reason they hate Bill Phillips so much is because he's so successful. I don't begrudge Phillips his success. He took ideas that had been around a long time and mass marketed the concepts in a brilliant way that made him super rich. (free video, his book, his magazine.) All the Bill Phillips wanna-be's are green with envy and trying to copy him. Sheesh, look at some of the crap T Mag pushes in their supplement line. I do like Phillips' Myoplex Lite protein drink (the multi-chocolate flavor pack only) And I think he presented a way to get fit that was easy to understand for most people. Why someone didn't do it before him, I don't know.

    Now, Joe Weider, that's another story. That scumbag (who publishes Muscle & Fitness) uses nothing but steroid-using bodybuilders to promote his product line. Then he has the gall to publish articles that are negative on steroid use. He promotes the concept you can achieve a Mr. Olympia type size using his products and following his workout plan. What a liar he is. At least Bill Phillips promoted average people using a fitness plan that got in shape without dangerous anabolic steroids.

  • MikeMusto

    Yes Weider is the biggest homo of all.

    "lets publish a magazine with 100 different routines to sell
    a monthly magazine, but we will only use juice heads and say this is the exact routine they use. Even though these routines will lead to
    overtraining, it doesnt matter cuz our juice heads will say they work."

  • MegaDude

    Ha, ha, Mike.

    I remember Hot Stuff. I understand most of it is worthless ingredients, but hype sells, sells, sells in the bodybuilding world.

    Some supplements I do like:

    Myoplex Lite Chocolate Lovers Pack - protein drinks don't taste good, but this one almost does.

    Labrada low-carb protein bars -- when I don't have time for real food, this taste pretty good.

    Xtra Fuel by Twin Labs -- when my arse is dragging, and there's not a Starbucks close by, this is a good pick-me-up to keep me going. Basically it's a stimulant.

  • dubla


    honestly, i dont know alot about skip lacour. i know he claims to be drug free (and is an au natural advocate), but thats about it. interesting that youd mention jeff willet though, a guy who swears by doing cardio every day.


    I'm sure you could find 10 "experts" that will tell you anything you want to believe
    thats been my whole can read anything from anyone off of any website.....doesnt really mean a hill of beans until it works for you.

    But if your goal is gaining muscle mass, excessive cardio, such as running for 30 minutes every morning, is a detriment.
    i agree 100%, and i think weve probably misunderstood each other along the lines here. first off, the original thread question, in my mind, wasnt "how can i get huge", but rather, "how can i get back into shape", so i figured he was asking about primarily losing fat (that seemed to be the tone). so, along those lines, ive thrown in my two cents about cardio. second, i wouldnt ever advocate running every morning, as i believe this would certainly be a detriment. im not sure where i ever implied that i run every morning, or ever have, but my opinion on that is 30 mins. of cardio, three times a week would be ideal for most people concerned with fat loss. i believe anyone can do this without impeding any muscle gains, if its coupled with the right nutrition and weight training.


  • MikeMusto

    i never said cardio was bad..i said it was bad to do it
    first thing in the in my first cut and paste.

  • dubla


    yeah, the myoplex line is by far the best tasting (some of the metrx flavors arent bad), and ive tried a million different protein drinks. never had the labrada bars, ill have to try them. im always looking for new protein bars that taste decent....most of them get real old, real quick. one that theyre bringing back (they quit making them for awhile) is optimum nutritions pro complex bar. those used to be my favorites, taste wise, and they had a great protein-carb ratio as well.


  • MikeMusto

    Labrada shakes give me diarreah

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