sunday meetings

by Realist 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • NameWithheld

    Ah yes, there was NOTHING worse than a WT or BS conductor who would a) sin by going over-time, and b) compound the sin by not shutting the hell up and getting on with it once they did go over-time. My favorites were the ones who were like "Ooops, it's 11:30, we'll have to stop here, the song will be # such and such ..."

  • razorMind

    I always hated the showoff sister who'd insert a "personal" tidbt into her comments, i.e., "I'm so eager to partake of Jehovah's rich fruitage that I start reading my WT en route from the mailbox" or some such SHIT.

    Then we had another sister whose every comment, in my entire living memory, would be completely off the WT study topic. And I HATED when the "young ones" would laboriously breathe out a one-word comment into the oft-too-loudly-amplified microphone.

    Sunday meetings...UTTER BULLSHIT.

    I did the same thing with rewording the paragraphs. You all are right...SAD SAD SAD.

    Isn't it?

  • razorMind
    ...compound the sin by not shutting the hell up and getting on with it once they did go over-time.

    Oh, how I wished for a rifle on those occasions!

    One time the KH air-conditioning conked out on a sweltering Ministry School night. And this ASSHOLE "brother" droned on into the night (WAY past ending time, btw) until an elder was forced to step up and get him to end his part. To this day we think the tyrant did it on purpose because he knew we were past ready to leave (and about to faint from the heat).

    Full of bad memories tonight...

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