Astronomers Find Some Other Earthlike Planets Out There

by freemindfade 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Viviane

    The ancients knew a lot more than we give them credit. Heck, if a Greek could stick a stick in the ground, measure its shadow and tell you the circumference of the earth, my hat's off to 'em.

    Is your argument that because someone used repeatable and provable science and math to move knowledge forward that his cultures unprovable myths might also be true? Because I saw a dog and can prove it, UFO abductions might also be real?

    As usual, religion gets it exactly backwards.

  • Vidiot
    Sometimes I catch myself wishing First Contact would actually happen, just to see the WTS and all the other Xtian fundy religions lose their shit.
  • freemindfade

    I agree, let get it out of the way already and have one of these little grey or green guys stand up so we can all be released from these religious ideals once and for all, unfortunately even then so many would probably still have "faith" they'd try to convert or condemn the aliens, maybe thats why they stay hidden... "home but hiding" 

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