Former L T Elder- Head Quarters & Great Tribulation

by James Jackson 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • James Jackson
    James Jackson

    The Local Needs talk this week was about helping with the building project in Warick New York. The speaker said twice that project was for building the "WORLD HEAD QUARTERS"! Then he added twice; that the "GREAT TRIBULATION" cannot start to after the "WORLD HEAD QUARTERS" is built! " WITH THE RESSURECTION AROUNG THE CORNER,THE GREAT TEACHING WORK AHEAD, WE NEED THIS WORLD HEAD QUARTERS BUILT'! SO EVERYONE NEEDS TO SUPPORT THIS BUILDING PROJECT"!

    I was floored. What has been in Brooklyn New York for the past 100 years?

  • cantleave



    Why do you always refer to yourself as "former long term elder" as if that is of any relevance on this site? No one really cares, it just means you sucked up more than those that weren't elders.

    Angus (who also sucked up more than most)

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Sweet, well the logical thing would be to delay building the new headquarters so more people can be saved through the preaching work. Selfish sods, wanting it to come so soon!!

  • zeb
    zeb after the GT there will be oil, fuel, electricity, running water(safe),printers and printing supplies etc to carry this through. Im glad to know they have that covered.

  • rmt1

    Will the service building have industrial capacity? Printing presses?

    I wonder if you could quantify how much the real estate of, or under, the lake costs in real dollars? Because that's people's gas money. That's people's grocery money. That's people prescription money. That's people's discretionary income for clothing their children. That's people's monthly auto insurance premiums. That's people's funds for car repair. It's a lot of things...

  • Iamallcool

    that gives me more time to party with women.

  • OnTheWayOut

    If building it faster would bring about the tribulation/Armageddon, then they don't need the billion (or so) dollars from the sales of Brooklyn properties and they could bring about these things faster by spending the money on professional builders with heavy equipment.

    I don't know what you consider a long time, "Former L T Elder," but I was an elder for 11 years. That's just 11 years I was a useful total tool of a dangerous mind-control cult. Cantleave is right about that.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    I heard no such thing regarding the G.T.

  • NewYork44M

    I remember the same theme given by a speaker talking about the building of the London, OH assembly hall in the early 70s. Thes buildings would be centers to coordinate the resurrection of those coming back after Armagedon.

  • nonjwspouse

    Cantleave, James is giving perspective when he states in his post he was a former l t elder. I am curious why you would Be critical. You can not speak for everyone yet you say " no one cares" , well I for one do appreciate the background perspective.

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