after sending him a Fb message to be a *true*brother to his brother, my BIL BLOCKED ME!

by losingit 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • losingit

    LisaVegas, I don't even say *anything* about the JWs on my fb. I *might* say something political, but I've * always * done that. He blocked me right after his DC. This is clearly the result of the DC. I mean, after hearing the talks about how to treat disfellowshipped ones --even family members, and human apostates, he couldn't resist. His brain must have gone into drone mode. That's just too bad. I think he's an MS too, something he would never have become here in the US congregations. The need is so great for any brother overseas that they'll take *anyone*. Proof? His dad is an MS, also. And they're both giving talks.

  • losingit

    Anyways, the fb message was about showing trueChristian love to his brother, a la Jesus. Lol! This was his version of showing me Christian love. I'm laughing bc of how ridiculous it is! Life is good, life is truly good. :-)

  • losingit

    Thats the link to fnd the message I wrote himprivately on fb.

  • mgmelkat

    This happened to me just last week!! A super JW, pioneer and elders wife, who used to be my bestest friend blocked me for no god-given reason or explanation. All I did was send her a FB message asking her a simple question. It always surprises me how unchristian like these so called true christians behave like.

  • losingit

    Mgmelkat--What was your question? God forbid you made her think!

  • mrhhome

    I'm sorry to hear that you have to deal with this. The whole situation sucks.

    Speaking as the husband of an ex-JW, I have watched the nonsense they have put my wife through. As I described in a previous post, I finally called them out about it. Who knows if it did any good.

    Unfortunately, there is no right answer. If you let them get away with it unchallenged, they will just continue with their bad behavior. If you call them out, they will just retreat further into their cult shell. Good luck getting on with your life.

    Sometimes, people just suck. Do not let them drag you down.


    Inspiring WatchTower Songs..

    We only Abuse You/Because we Love You

    We want you to Come Back/Until Then your a Piece of Crap

    .........................  photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • losingit

    OMG Outlaw LOL I just saw your post! Too funny!

    Yes, abuse is contrived as love.......

  • Watchtower-Free
  • losingit

    Watchtower-Free... So tempted to put this on my fb wall! LOL

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