Hyghlandyrs Four Pillars, his Hygh Geas.

by Hyghlandyr 114 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hyghlandyr

    Some of you know that I have stated I am amoral. That means that I have no moral system. No ethical system either. This does not mean that I live my life mostly morally or mostly immorally. It means that I believe that my decisions are not based upon good and evil. In fact good and evil do not exist in the context of the natural world. Since I do not believe in otherworldly deities, and since I do not disbelieve in otherworldly deities, their opinions about how I should live my life, are irrelevant. Also even if I believed in morality or immorality, most of my decisions would not be based on morals, thus I would still be living an amoral lifestyle.

    (I must confess here I have one moral, 'Leave the children alone'. This means that children should not be harmed, especially as they are by child molesters, and I consider those persons immoral)

    Now, I have come to notice that in each and every incarnation I have lived, I am always Aorthoir. I have noticed this with a careful review of my past incarnations. Aorthoir is a satirist. That is what the word means. As such I have always had conduct becoming a satirist, that is mockery. Either of myself, (most often) or of others, (especially others who, by weakness open themselves up to mockery). Most often my satires are of an extreme nature, so they are not difficult to spot.

    Besides being an Aorthoir, I am also Anbroc, The Badger. This totem I have carried through all of my incarnations as well. All of the traits of a european badger, I possess. I prefer life in a sett, in fact I live in a sett now. I prefer company around me, except when I am working on something very important, when I am hunting. I am soft and luvable, except if it should be that I need to defend myself, then I will become very intimidating.

    Finally of course I am a shape shifter. Shape shifters have been known for millenia to change physical form. However they are able as well to change psychic form, change form on the astral and ethereal planes, change mental shape, or emotional. At times you may or may not see me change physical form, I leave that to you. But I have many times changed shape to fit the circumstances. When I was before a judge, I became a tiny, harmless, cute, little bunny. When I am near someone that is blustering, I can easily become a bear, and I am unbearable. Rarely I am an owl. And on occasion I am a cat. Once, only once, I was a wolf, in a dream. Sometimes I am a dog.

    I have noticed in all of my incarnations and all of my shapes, I have a set of concepts that I live by. I did not consciously create these pillars, I merely recently have gone back and reviewed my lives, and these pillars have existed in all of them.

    The Irish would call these four geas. A geis is something that is individual. Though it may also be something for a race or a certain group. It can be as simple as 'Breath air in and out' for mammals, to as detailed as 'Must only eat with his feet propped up on the back of a virgin who is on her hands and feet while he sits on the ground, with one hand resting in the dirt, and the other bringing the food to his lips' as was the case of one of the Irish heroes.

    They are not morals in the standard sense that they do not apply to most people. A geis of yours might be to eat low cholesterol foods, and one of mine might be to eat anything which is set before me. Sometimes our geas are natural, they just are. Sometimes our geas are placed upon us by someone specific, as when Diarmud had his hears held by Graine and she placed him under a geis to take him with her away from her impending wedding (which then led to one of the classic Irish tales).

    While all geas are important, some last for a short time, others a life time. These lifetime geas are central to the personality of any specific individual, central to their very life. Also many people have a death geis, something that when broken or performed will lead to their death, as in the case of a man who could only be killed with one foot in a stream, another foot on land, while holding a spear looking north. My death geis might simply be that when I remember that man's death geis I shall be able to be killed, since I never can remember it.

    All of the things I have said, about geas and shape shifting, etc, were practiced by the Irish even in the Christian era. Unlike modern Christians who accept the wonderworking of Christ and the followers of Yahweh in palestine and dismiss that of other peoples, the Irish accepted the wonderworking of their ancestors and of themselves.

    Now that you have a bit of groundwork, I will lay out my four most important geas, my pillars. (Geas is plural, geis is singular)


    1...Embrace pain like a lover. Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual, Psychic, Magentic....if every painful thing is a pleasure to you, then there is no experience in life that you will not like.

    2...Accept your own insanity. By being insane, you allow others to dismiss you, "Oh that is just Hyghlandyr, you know how he is." Since people can dismiss you, they do not have to examine themselves in light of your challenges, intellectual, or your actions..they do not have to question the things they have been taught..they may blissfully go about their lives content that the religion, and way of life they have, is correct...without a guilty conscience.

    3...Imbibe evil in pure liquid form. Do that which society shuns, which you are told is bad, which takes an effort to do simply because it is repugnant to you. Kill a dog. Smack a stranger. Pick your nose and eat it in public. Tell a minister to fuck his cat... If you do things that you have been taught are wicked, and if you let them wash over you, as a bath, into you, like a drink, then you can live yourself without a guilty conscience.

    4...Acknowledge your own deification. Recognize, that you, are a God. Know that you are to be worshipped. That your word has the power to create, to affect things..that you inspire, literally God -breath....that you are more powerful than any of the deities of times past, because they are all incarnate in you. You are the final, the last, and the first..for the new world starts with you. You are the savior of the Age of Aquarius.

  • VeniceIT

    Ummm Waiter--"I'll have what he's having"

    Ms. Venice

  • hillary_step

    Most people are amoral until they are middle-aged, until then they just mimic the morality of their peers and bluster in the correct places....lol

    How old are you?

    Best - HS

  • noidea
  • Hyghlandyr

    Hillary - I am 34 years old. You may be correct about most being amoral, mimicing their peers, and blustering until middle age. I am now examining myself, others, history, religion, and so forth to determine whether I feel the need for a moral code, and if so, just what that moral code may be. It will probably take me a number of years to do my research.

  • LB

    Barkeep, I think this user has had enough for tonight.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • LizardSnot

    At what point during this life did you have a recollection of previous lives.
    I've had dejavu experiences..but is this the same thing?


  • Hyghlandyr

    LizardSnot, I do not use the term incarnation to mean physical lives lived before this one. That is in the sense of reincarnation as the Hindus and Irish believe. When I was conceived, I began to exist, when I die I shall cease to exist. There is nothing further for me. If heaven and hell and tir na nog and future lives exist for others, that is for them to see, for me I shall not exist past this physical incarnation, and I did not exist before it.

    I use the term to me the various incarnations I have had in this present life, such as being born Irish Catholic, being converted to baptist, pentacostal and jws. Also being a programmer was one incarnation, and now a labrat is yet another. These are not merely shape shiftings that I have performed, they were each seperate lives, seperate incarnations.

    There is also my genetic and racial memories. Those things that happen to our forbears can, and are often, remembered by us. My genetic memories go back millions of years to the Tuatha de Danaan, my racial memories go back hundreds of thousands of years to the Milesians.

    Despite all of this, I myself am 34 years old, and more than 36,573 years old.

    Genetic memories may be the cause of your deja vu experiences, or simply delusions. Of course you could have lived previous lives in other physical incarnations. I do not know.

    Hope that answers your questions.

  • singsongboi

    i am also fey!!!!!!

  • Hyghlandyr

    Dia dhuit singsongboi. Cad é mar atá tú?

    I prefer the term Sidhe, although fey is certainly a grand term as well. Especially when dealing with the sludge monkeys who, as a result of being lowborn, are unable to understand these high Irish concepts. If we were to say, we are Sidhe, or Milesians or Tuatha de Danaan, they simply drop their jaws, get a glazed look on their faces and say huh? So say we are Fey, and they might at least have some understanding of that.

    We will have to talk about our various gaes. While most people are careful about giving their death geis, I declare mine boldly. I am discovering more about it of course, and it is becoming clearer. But I will be glad to share that which I know if you like.

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