tell me not to cry...

by losingit 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8

    You already know the bs they spew. What could be gained by you hearing it again in person?

    From my perspective as a kid from a "divided household", I would have totally interpreted the ubm attending a meeting to mean he was believing. I feel strongly you should not attend the meetings. It could easily give them the idea the dubs are right as evidenced by you groveling at their feet even when shunned. [paragraph breaks aren't working right now]

  • bsmart

    rebel go to announcements and read Simons last thread about his updates.... Try the tweak of Ctrl-F5 (it resets to new settings)

  • Fernando

    A warm welcome hollowheart.

  • ruderedhead

    I am assuming you still believe in God. You have been given some great advice here, and I'd like to suggest something as well. Find a church that you like, ask to meet with the clergy there, and explain the situation as best as you can, including what your beliefs are now. Ask them to help you with perhaps some Bible study for your children to debunk the watchtower falsehoods? They should be able to guide you. You will get through this, but I'm so sorry for the heartache you are going through now.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    ..but if you don't believe in god, remember that replacing bullshit with horseshit still leaves you with shit.

  • clarity

    We will all stop crying sooner or later ... hopefully those

    tears will wash the betrayal & lies away!


    Glad to see that you found us hollowheart ... huge welcome here

    for you!


    For any still believing that "god" will bring an armageddon to


    destroy 8 billion people, start digging and find some logic.

    Search on JWN archives open that 'religious' belief

    and get those shackels off ..... this will start your mind moving...


  • losingit

    I am assuming you still believe in God. You have been given some great advice here, and I'd like to suggest something as well. Find a church that you like, ask to meet with the clergy there, and explain the situation as best as you can, including what your beliefs are now. Ask them to help you with perhaps some Bible study for your children to debunk the watchtower falsehoods? They should be able to guide you. You will get through this, but I'm so sorry for the heartache you are going through now.

    Ruderedhead-- yes, I still do believe in God. I cannot accept that there is not a Creator. And I want to worship Him. The lies taught by the WTS have scared me to pieces, and I just don't know if I trust any organized religion. I do miss being a part of a spiritual community. I appreciate your suggestion, and it is one that I will most likely follow.

    And, btw, my children have not been to a meeting in about a month. It turned out that he stopped taking them right after I wrote this post.

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