If you're happy and THEY know it all HELL breaks loose!!!!!

by SophieG 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • SophieG

    Please for give me it's long. This does not even need a set up...

    SophieG Initial Post:

    After having my brain fried from reading about the Church of Scientology and having to relive some of similar experiences, I am think I need to read something more zen. Anyone read this book (The Four Agreements)

    JW-Sooooo…ummmm why r u reading about Scientology? U really gonna have to explain this one to me.

    SG- What can I say I have a morbid fascination with corps who masquerade as religion?

    JW-Ummmmmmmmm…what’s so fascinating about straight up buffoonery when you know the truth. The Four Points and The Secret are similar but they all point to self and not giving reverence to Jehovah God. Why stir up confusion in your mind? There is no such thing as a liberal Christian. You either for God or against. You can’t serve 2 masters and straddle the fence.

    SG- Hmmm…there is a fence? (I will tell you why I said this later!!!!)
    What can I say, I am completely open to learning. Next I am going to read about the Joseph Smith and the Mormons. Lots of similarities with the WTBS. I love information, it’s power. ( I admit here I was digging at her…)

    JW- Like I said you can’t serve 2 masters. Why dabble in untruths. You open up your mind to doubt when you do that. But obviously you’re searching, what do I know? I have researched those things when I was searching for the Truth, but when I learned the Truth I left those things. Satan is the author of confusion. You should know all these things. I guess you have fell away :/

    SG- Nope…not searching. Just learning. So much to learn beyond what we already know J

    JW- Ummmmm…ok???? And it’s in the Bible. Not to say that self help books are not good, all my help comes from Jehovah. Book of Mormon, the Lost Books, Koran, Scientology etc are not things to learn anything about Jehovah, it’s basically the opposite. You’re searching, what else do you learn from other religious beliefs such as the one you described. What are you learning might I ask???

    SG- Actually I am learning so I can hopefully better interact with people and understand them. Because I like people and am fascinated by what we believe and how our beliefs shape our lives. So I guess I am learning about myself and people at the same time. I am not one to shy away from a mental/spiritual challenge. You should never feel inhibited to examine and compare your beliefs with others. The fun part is when you start to learn and then you start to grow.

    JW- Trust me I have studied all of those religious beliefs…..i don’t indulge or get so deep into those things because u will start to question things you don’t understand yet. It may not be time for it to be revealed to you. that’s why the Bible says do not listen to false doctrine or dabble in it.

    After this my friend who is DF’d basically jumped in and quietly ripped the truth off her face by stating any God would not hold in contempt a heart that is seeking truth.

    JW- LET ME CORRECT YOU XYZ! JESUS IS THE TRUTH. Jesus said I am the TRUTH AND THE LIFE!.... Amen! That’s what’s in the Bible!

    She closed out by saying this:
    JW: The only reason why I did comment on this post is…because when you go around professing to be one way and your actions show another you are a double minded man.

    THE END!!!!

    Here is the clincher!

    This person is an unbaptized witness and has been studying for years and has shared with me her personal reasons why she just “can’t get baptized”. She tried to call me out for ‘straddling the fence” and being “double-minded”. I realized that she did not get the memo and has not realized that I have no religious affiliation on my FB page and I have told her in the past when she got nosy that I pretty much “live my life” in peace the way I chose to. I know the life that she lives and the types of people she associates with and it's not "wholesome association". I was really holding back A LOT, because I could have ripped her apart.

    All this because I read a book about Scientology and now I want to read a book about positivity. I guess I am just too dang happy, and I want to learn and grow and OH GOD NO! That’s just not allowed!!!

    They get so alarmed when you appear to be able to navigate life outside the WTBS, free to learn and grow and experience things and you're not drugged out, sleeping with a bunch of people and just useless to Society.

    God help me!

    *this little light of mine....*

  • Powerful1

    SophieG...I wish you continue Happiness... Isn't FREEDOM the BEST!!!! And learning is definitely Freedom...it's just so wonderful.

    ...and I feel the pain in the JW (non committed JW) responses. She/he want to be free, but is letting fear stop them. And yes the irony is that this person has never committed to the JW faith. You want to speak about being lukewarm (lol) and can't see because that big ol log is in her eyes...too funny. This exchange really has made me laugh and have put a big ol smile on my face to know that I'm so happy to be freed from the JW organization and it's followers.

  • SophieG

    Thanks Powerful1. The WTBS got 40 years of my life, 20 of which I willfully signed over. I walked away barely functioning mentally and emotionally and swore I’d get my happy back. I am one of the lucky ones….they can try and rain my parade all they want. I am “still dancing and singing in the rain….”

  • rmt1

    I really enjoyed this> Presently I am building cartographic maps of the lunar north pole to identiy feasible landing sites. Is it hard? *$^&@ yes it is. Is it a miserable task? &!^$@ yes. Did I chose, by myself, under no compulsion from a wrinkled fart in a tie, to do this miserable task? Yes. Would I call myself happy? I would say grimly satisfied that my time on earth is being used in some way that resembles me, whether or not that is ever used to any purpose. At least I got to use my own time for my own concern.

  • problemaddict

    Thanks for sharing Sophie. i have a morbid facination with how JW's use the internet and social media when confronted with things that ring their bell.

    The book on Scientology....was it called "Going Clear"? If not, I would highly recommend it. It gave me chills how similar is was in some aspects to the religion i recently left.

  • Narcissistic Supply
    Narcissistic Supply

    Certifiable. JW's deserve the funny money. they should be able to apply for disability with two letters. J and W.

  • rmt1

    Narcissistic Supply, it's frightening how close you are to a cogent argument. I have to say that I am gleaning a ton of useful new concepts for how to digest and interpret the JW heritage I carry around. So, to be blunt, are JWs mentally disabled? It's a rough job distinguishing between what a JW can do for themselves to get out, and what they are incapable of doing, as a social animal bound with evolutionary dependence to a social group, to get out.

  • exwhyzee

    People like that are generally one reality check away from completly "falling out of the truth" and the lecture they give you is actually intended to reassure themselves. They think they are showing concern for your spiritual welfare but the reality is they are afraid for their own. They are afraid of looking too deep into anything lest they see what they already know, is in fact true. Bottom line, they don't trust that "Jehovahs Holy Spirit" is strong enough to protect them from Satan's supposed influence.

  • trujw

    Me- mom you moved out of state and never called me or your only grandson.

    Mom- you are the one that left

    me- mom the jws have a 100 percent failure rate.

    mom- that not true

    me- I have every watchtower going back to 1879 mom did this generation pass away? How can you say that wasn't a lie.

    Mom- click hung up the phone.

    Sorry the truth hurts and they don't want it. They love the lie. I then text she was a apostle of denial. Of course no answer. They can't handle the truth to quote a movie. I tried for several years to be NICE and not cause waves but at one point I just said I don't give a shit and started "boldly speaking the truth."

  • whathappened

    I remember exactly what I would have thought when I was in. I would have felt sorry for those who left the congregation and were living happy lives. I would have said that you were sacrificing your eternal life for a few short years of happiness in this wicked system of things. You are trying to make your own paradise now instead of waiting for Jehovah to make it a reality. I would have thought you fooled by Satan. I was deluded of course.

    Glad for your happiness dear.

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