Is it me?

by 5go 15 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Finkelstein

    hey we are the only one approved to speak for god and not liking any change we pronounce is your problem not gods.

    Maybe the WTS heads (GB) are realizing that 2014 is coming up and they are in preparation to make some

    substantial doctrinal changes. !!!!

    Frankly I see this as quite the possibility, its also known that the GB leaders are

    presently paranoid about all the easily accessible information about their organization on the inter-net.

    Putting out heir own propaganda video propagating how their organization has been preaching the Truth

    for over a century, even going as far back as C T Russell.

    The newly recognized direction from staying clear of any Watchtower opposers ( Apostates).

    These are certainly nervous and precarious times for the WTS., 2014 is just going to add to their problems

    as time progresses.

    What the WTS has to do now is try to erase their past teachings/doctrines to keep themselves looking viable

    and honest in spite of their falsely created and devised bible interpretations, which were really

    adulterated commercialized endeavors toward proliferating the organization's literature to the public...... ouch

  • Narcissistic Supply
    Narcissistic Supply

    What Searcher Said.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I think they were bracing people for the huge change in FDS and when they get appointed over Jesus' belongings.

    But this is a cult of change. There will always be change. I think the changes will still be pretty big until they add more people to the Governing Body. No point in having to get a 2/3rds majority of a bigger group. After huge changes, they will probably start appointing a few more. If that happens soon, then the biggest changes are probably done.

  • Finkelstein

    Bullshit to cover previous bullshit .... its god's will and purpose.

  • Narcissistic Supply
    Narcissistic Supply

    Every time i see a new person....., every time i hear about somebody caving. every time i hear a new story, i get a little happy. Not at the demise of the corporation, but just that people have a chance to be free. That they have a chance to live their life. That perspectives are changning, slowly, steadily, but definitely.

    I hold absolutely no hope for my family. But god bless america. God bless the entire world.

    Live Life. Be Strong. Save Your Family.

    Have some Balls!!

  • factfinder

    Perhaps they are trying to find a way to ditch the 1914 date and avid a schism.

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