Prayers that God answers. Any examples?

by punkofnice 259 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    Entirely possible. Your mother let you back on the puter?

  • EntirelyPossible

    When a poster has degraded to ad hominem attacks as their only recourse, I believe that speaks volumes- it says more than I ever could.

    Agreed. I don't know is you ever read the Foundation series by Asimov, but one of the quotes from his books is "Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent". I think we witness the mental version of that anytime someone starts throwing personal insults. Sad, really.

    So, still no concrete examples of prayers being answered?

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    Qcmbr: I prayed the same prayer back in the 70's and it lead me out of the watchtower.

  • Simon

    Stop the arguments and insults !

  • Miss.Fit
  • humbled

    Miss.Fit, I think you have cemented our relationship--er--concreted it?


  • Miss.Fit

    Humbled : lol I love reading your posts. I can tell you are a fighter . im rooting for you.

  • EntirelyPossible

    So, still nothing?

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Still waiting for an answered prayer that can't be dismissed as wishful thinking, coincidence or confirmation bias.

    In that case...can't you dismiss anything you like and call it wishful thinking, coincidence or confirmation bias. How does that prove a prayer WASN'T answered. Just because it didn't come up to someone elses standards of evidence. What sort of experiment would you set up for a prayer? Even if some were shown to work...they could still be put down to coincidence or the power of the mind to control our emotions. For example...when people pray and feel better....was the prayer answered? Or was it mind over matter? How would you ever prove it? You would have to do such a complex series of tests to rule everything out, I fear the expreriment would end up with no decisive result either way.

    Don't get me wrong. I'm not aruguing that they were answered. I just don't see how anyone can claim without ANY doubt...that they weren't. How can anyone be so sure that someone elses prayers weren't answered in some way.

    No one can prove or disprove a prayer result for someone else. You'll be waiting a LONG time if you want irrefutable proof. It's not going to happen here.

    Hi EP....evidence hunting again I see...LOL.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    How did you know? What was your evidence?

    How do you know it wasn't just the way of things, life and coincidence?

    Punk...THAT is the bit I could never get a clear answer's always....I just know.

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