Howmuch do you pay for internetacess

by happy man 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • happy man
    happy man

    Intresting to chech how much money do you pay for bee out on internet here in sweden it is not so commen widh brodband on the country where i live, i hade modem and it cost a lot of money , if you are out on the days it costs around 2cent minute, and if you are out on the evning it is cheeper, around half, and then you have to pay a price evry month 20$, they who have brodband pay only 35$ and have acess all time, but i think it is impossibel to have it here it is only in the bigg citys.
    Internet is a fantastisc thing ,where peopel from allover can meet and tell ther storys.

  • moman

    happy, its VERY VERY dangerous for you to be on this APOSTATE board, its DEAMONIZED! RUN AWAY NOW! The deamons can come through the wires!

  • Princess

    When I had a dial up modem I paid about $22 a month. Now I have broadband and pay about $45. It is worth every penny and since our company has a website, the company pays for it. Such a deal!


  • happy man
    happy man

    cant i read, jehovas for anything JW related, isnt it you who are on the wrong place, look upp a site where you can read EXJW site, cant see these here, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
    Good defens i think.

  • Trotafox

    AT&T Broadband Roadrunner here....$46 per month in Ft. Lauderdale. Expensive but worth it.


    "Wicked men obey from fear; good men, from love".... Aristotle. You can love and obey Christ without intervention from an organization.

  • DakotaRed

    I still have dial-up at $22 a month. I am strongly thinking of going to DSL which will cost about $50 a month. I had cable once, but I had so many problems with it that I dropped it before I ever had to pay a bill.

    If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?

  • happy man
    happy man

    Ohups,you are wakning upp old memorys, was in your hometown 1973, on assambly tripp ,never will i forget this, we was living on a hotell only 20 meters from the beach,widh 3 other boys from sweden, one is now living in miami find himself a girl from Miami,i think he is an elder in some miami cong. What times it was, only 23 and evrything was wonderfull, never forget when we was inviting some girls to dinner on a fancy hotell, and when we must pay the money was not inaf, that was not so funny, we have to begg wid a wery angry waiter, who hun´t us out, disaster it was, and the girls who think we was rich boys from sweden.
    only a memory when i see that you was from lauderdale.

  • Dutchie

    Hi Dakota, I had the opposite experience. I had DSL and had so much trouble with it that I switched to Time Warner Road Runner cable and its the best investment I ever made. I am instantly on the net and I am experiencing no problems whatsoever (so far!).

  • ISP

    I'm on ADSL at £29.99 a month.


  • RR

    Cable modem 29.95 a month!

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