Friend With A Jehovah Witness For 5yrs?

by TheNurseInBlack 12 Replies latest social relationships

  • ABibleStudent

    Hi TheNurseInBlack, Have you read Steve Hassan's books (i.e., "Combatting Cult Mind Control", "Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves", and (his latest book) "Freedom of Mind: Helping People Leave Controlling People, Cults and Beliefs")? If you don't have time to read books or don't want to buy his books, then I would recommend that you visit his website and watch at least the following two videos for a couple of hours: Steve Hassan explains SIA method to rescue loved ones from unhealthy situations (2003) and Steve Hassan at NYC Ethical Culture Society February 2013.

    I use to have a former friend, who was a "Spiritually Strong" (non-thinking) JW. I have not talked with her in 9 months. I miss her friendship. I made many mistakes because I had not read Steve Hassan's books and because we both had intense feelings for each other. Your best course of action is to make plans to do fun activities with your friend so that she can make more non-JW friends and to help your friend to learn how to criticially think for herself.

    The best ways to help your friend to critically think for herself is to help her increase her use of the internet and to view it as a valuable resource. Tell her about how you use the internet without saying anything bad about the WTBTS. You could tell your friend about and signing up for its daily local promotions, and maybe make plans to meet for a vacation. It may take a few years to help your friend, but if you have fun together talking about non-WTBTS topics you should have a lot of fun together.

    Best of wishes helping your friend to critically think for herself!

    Peace be with you and everyone, wno you love,


  • TheNurseInBlack

    Thank you bible student your information was very valuable to me. I've already watched the first video and learned so much within the hour.

  • ABibleStudent

    You are welcomed TheNurseInBlack. You might want to watch the videos a couple of times because they contain a lot of information. The most important things to remember are to show her unconditional love and help her to meet more non-JWs doing activities that she enjoys.

    Best of wishes helping your friend to critically think for herself.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


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