TWA flight 800....a cover up conspiracy I happen to believe...

by Glander 15 Replies latest social current

  • Glander

    The official ruling that it was faulty wiring in a fuel pump that caused a Boeing 747, 11 mins after take-off, to explode never seemed credible. That, plus eye witness accounts of a streak of light going up, towards the plane, were explained away with the most contorted reasoning.

    The plane's altitude had not exceeded the range of a shoulder fired, "Stinger" missile which could easily have been fired from a boat. Other theories are that it was a US Navy missile. Whatever, something smells. We will probably never know, but I am convinced it was a cover up.

    For an interesting overview of the incident, check out Nelson DeMille's book, "Night Fall".

    A new documentary has brought the subject up again.

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    You can throw matches in a trash can filled with Jet fuel all day long... it won't explode... Jet A fuel only ignites when it is atomized, meaning you have to force it through a nozzle and create a spray pattern...

    So, i too agree that the Center Fuel Tank did not explode on it's own....

  • metatron

    The fuel tank idea is crap, contradicted by experience and eyewitnesses. That leaves us with a missile and two choices

    A terrorist attack or a mistake by the US Navy.

    If a terrorist attack, the military-industrial complex would have jumped on it as an excuse for war with anyone they can blame, as with 9/11 (which had nothing to do with Iraq)

    That leaves us with a mistake by the US Navy. A friend of mine with a security clearance asked his associates about it and that was the answer.

    I am hopeful about this latest development in the present global movement towards exposure because it could be a step towards exposing the really big coverup by the US government that I won't name here to avoid this thread being suddenly inundated with garbage by "sock puppets" whose screen identities I've never heard of. Hint, hint....


  • cofty
    A friend of mine with a security clearance asked his associates about it

    Straight from the horse's mouth then.

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    Airlines were forced to make stupid modifications like nitrogen generating systems to displace oxygen in the fuel tanks... totally unecessary and ridiculous... all done to give the TWA 800 investigation credibility...

  • metatron

    To clarify: a friend of mine with security clearances asked some associates of his in a completely different area of intelligence about what happened and he got his answer: A US Navy mistake.

    The choices are stark.


  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Was this the flight that crashed into Queens or Long Island a bit after September 11th? I've been busy. Local coverage interviewed many eyewitnesses. I don't think anyone in New York believed the govt. Too many ordinary people minding their own busy had the same story. Perhaps it is another crash. The crash I recall was covered round the clock for weeks in NY.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    It is the same crash. The New York locals all voted for U.S. government mistake. No doubt about it.

  • metatron

    Did President Clinton issue an Executive Order to stop whistleblowers from reporting what really happened in regard to the crash?


  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Did he? I am not a conspiratist at all. Something was very different about this crash. Maybe it was just too close to such horror. The ordinary people who were interviewed by the press were able to stand up to fast questions and could answer details. I don't work in aviation or the FBI so I don't know.

    Would the government ever admit such a thing was happening so sooner after a national attack? Legitimacy and safety was important. If they said the U.S. military made a mistake, I could not have taken it. Maybe it is just a coincidence. The buzz was that many experts were convinced it was the military. Maybe Americans just wanted our government to be stretching its military might.

    There had to be Congressional committees and ruthless journalists covering the story. By the time any investigation is complete, people can't remember what happened in the first place.

    There have been many NYC plane crashes over decades but this one traumatized people more.

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