What is your favorite kind of cheese?

by Iamallcool 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Feta, smoked gouda, provolone, Grana padana, parmesan, Romano, mozzarella, sharp cheddar, jarlsberg, ricotta, muenster... to name a few.

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    Norwegian Goats Cheese also known as Brown Cheese. It's sticky and sweet and totally divine on crackers.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Good brie, Gorgonzola. It depends on my mood. Triple creme ones. Unhealthy ones.

    Jarlsberg, Gruyere, Gouda, Fontina.

    I can't believe how expensive a little bit of cheese can be. Sometimes I think the domestic ones are better than the European ones that are so expensive.

  • Xanthippe

    At the moment it's Feta, I'm really into Greek salad this Summer

  • hamsterbait

    Roquefort, or a nice runny Gorgonzola.

    I came across a local cheese near Sophia-Antipoulis near Cannes: Chat-urse. I still dream about it...

    Hard british Cheeses are good: Cheshire, Wensleydale, Caerphilly, Lancashire.

    Emmental is great with good vine tomatoes. Did you know that the holes in Swiss and some French Cheeses are because it is cooked? The steam trapped as it sets and cools.

    All soooo fattening though...


  • cedars

    CHEDDAR - where my wife and I live it is very hard to come across. It's only when you are without it that you realize what a delicious and versatile cheese it is. Few cheeses melt so easily AND have a nice flavor.

    It amuses me how American stores sell cheddar as "sharp" rather than "mature" (as we do in the UK). I always thought cheeses were for eating rather than cutting things with.


  • Glander

    Cedars - Yes, in the UK they talk about cheese but never have any...

  • Quendi

    I’m going to get stoned for saying this, but in addition to Parmesan, Cheddar, Gruyere, Swiss, Romano and Monterey Jack, I love “American” cheese. My foreign friends have shuddered when I mention it. I had a housemate who once quipped, “American cheese is neither, Quendi!” My partner won’t touch it with a ten-foot pole. But, as they say, there’s no accounting for taste. Maybe I just don’t have any!


  • cedars

    lol Glander, you made me find the sketch on YouTube! Hilarious! AND I agree with his observations on cheddar.



  • straightshooter

    Love sharp, mature, cheddar.

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