When did people of the Great Crowd start to appear?

by wizzstick 79 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wizzstick

    Quick question, faithful followers of our treacherous hearts...

    I should know the answer to this but...

    So the Great Crowd class were identified in 1935, but does the WT suggest when it's members first appeared on earth? All first century christians were of the annointed (I think that's right), so when do they think the first of the great crowd rolled up?

    Just trying some lines of reason around how many Christians were killed in the first few centuries, and the impact that would have had on the annointed numbers, but am trying to factor in how many would have been of the great crowd.

    Grief alive, in 25 years as a JW I hadn't realised how hard it is to work stuff like this out!

    Many thanks in advance all.

  • Tater-T

    since the anointed are only 144000.. then the rest of humanity would end up in the great crowd .. so I guess it would be about 250 000 years ago.. when man first apeared on the scene .. on planet earth !!


    It depends..

    1) If all has been fulfilled, then 70 AD.

    2) No pterism = they have not appeared since they must come through the GT, which is a future event.

    As far as the WTBTS is concerned, the GT appeared when all the " truths " being taught expired on the shelves. They had already exceeded the 144,000 number, so something had to be done. They could not be wrong...

  • prologos

    Wt has a knotty balled up ball. Great Crowd=Other sheep=earthly class= millenium earth inhabitants --- on and on.

    According to Re, 7 GC comes OUT of GT, an event that is in the future, so there is no great crowd yet. unless

    (you think that the great Tribulation is persecution of Christians period.)

    so strictly reading there is no great crowd before the GT only after. read it!

    but if you talk about CHRISTIANS that will not RULE with Christ, they exist since he left.

    Christians have been waiting for NEW EARTH with Peter. Were"SEALED" since Stephen,s Martyrdom.

  • pixel

    Around 1935 I think, when they closed the heaven's door, but recently they opened it...

  • pixel

    w01 5/15 pp. 14-15:

    As a large part of the audience stood up, Rutherford declared: “Behold! The great multitude!” There was a hush, followed by loud cheering. On the following day, 840 new Witnesses of Jehovah were baptized, most of these professing to be of the great crowd.

    For Rutherford, they appeared whenever he wanted. He was "Da judge" for a reason....


    So false doctrines caused confusion, which in turn cause J.R to close the door, without authorization. Then they had to re-open the door in order to have a GB, because time was proving them wrong again, and everyone was dying off.... They are now repeating that time-tested method of control with NU-LIGHT (tm).

  • *lost*


    I too thought 'GC comes out of GT''

  • wizzstick



    I too thought 'GC comes out of GT''

    This is all so wacky I think I need a G&T!

    Yes, re-reading the whole passage on WT Online Library it's clear that the GC are armageddon survivors. So technically they don't exist yet. So it's not possible to gauge when most Christians on earth were of the annointed and only a few were of the GC, and at what point the minority were of the annointed and when the majority were of the GC, as actually the GC won't exist till the future...

    Wow. I'm stunned. The more you go down the rabbit hole the more f***ed it up it is.


    " So it's not possible to gauge when most Christians on earth were of the annointed and only a few were of the GC, and at what point the minority were of the annointed and when the majority were of the GC, as actually the GC won't exist till the future... "

    Yeah, it's real jacked up. Can you imagine if they said the 144,000 was symbolic, or that the 144,000 were the 24 Elders? You would have millions of dubs out of control with no leader but Christ Jesus. The GB would lose all their authority over the " prospective members " of the GC. That's another messed of thing about JW's. There is no certainty in their future, no real stability. They don't even know if they are going to make it or not! Then IF they get to be a GC member by doing enough, they STILL have to pass another test ant the end of 1,000 years!!

    Imagine that! THEN.. GOD still let's Satan loose upon the earth for one more test, just for good measure. What happened to God not trying people with evil? No wonder JW's are nutjobs!! How do I get out of this outfit!!

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