G Losch: child baptised at 5, reg pioneer since!

by fifth.column 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • fifth.column

    At the end of April, There was à zone visit in France, with TV broadcast in all KH.

    G. Losch told he received a letter from a girl, 10 years old, baptised at 5, reg pioneer since 4 years ! What a fine example, he said......

    let s imagine the faces of the parents in the KH! I was happy to see I was not the only one to find it crazy.

    if you have a child, you Know how mature he is at 5. How can a child preach 2.5hours/day after 7hours of school and homework to do???

  • oppostate
    around these parts we have some high-hour home-schoolers which are often dropped off at the KH and put on a car-group many times, often during the summer, without a parent to accompany them.
  • Driving Force
    Driving Force

    This must be in a land where they have no functioning judicial system, because to coerce a child to do that is very much illegal.

    A child of 6 wants to play.

  • Deltawave
    I was allowed to get baptised at 11. Thats young enough but 5??!!

    Let's Review: IT'S A F***ING CULT!!! 😡👿


  • Ding

    There is no limit to the amount of service the WT expects.

    Want to bet this girl will be made to feel guilty if she doesn't keep up this level of field service her entire life?

  • blondie

    In the congregations that I attended, school members had to be able to read. I understand not all congregations have this rule, but shouldn't a baptism candidate be able to read? How many 4 year olds can read very well?

    jws would be appalled if a 4 year old girl were married off. Why, because she is not prepared physically or mentally for that life. Baptism to serve God is even more serious but a child of 4 can be baptized?

    *** w07 9/1 p. 8 With Jehovah’s Help, We Survived Totalitarian Regimes ***

    WAS born in 1926 to parents who were devout Catholics...

    Later, in 1941, Mother joined the rest of us in serving Jehovah.

    Before that, I had expressed my desire to symbolize my dedication to God by water baptism, but the congregation elders thought that I was too young. They told me to wait.


    G. Losch told he received a letter from a girl, 10 years old, baptised at 5, reg pioneer since 4 years ! What a fine example, he said....

    More "Forced Child Labour" for the the WBT$..


    One day that Child will be Old enough to support Losch with Cash Donations..


    .............................................................................................I`m a Well Dessed Bum..

    ..........................................................................Who Hasn`t Missed a Meal In a Very Long Time!

    Image result for you`re a bum.........Image result for Watchtower gerrit losch

  • Giordano

    Jesus got baptized when he was 30. I thought he set the example for Christians. Does anyone remember the explanation from the WT why that age was ignored? It can't be about Armageddon is coming........ Jesus had a very short time frame to preach and teach. He could have started at 25 or even 20 and expanded his ministry.

    I understand that 30 was the age of maturity for a Rabbi.

    Also the prophecy that one had to come who was righteous and prepare the way ie John the Baptist.

    Jeeze even the Amish understand that children getting baptized is not a good idea.

  • Daniel1555

    Would be interesting to hear this broadcast, especially hearing him mention this example.

    Does anyone have a recording of it?

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