Low Carb & Mediterranean Diet

by UnConfused 19 Replies latest social physical

  • UnConfused

    I did very well on a low carb diet a year ago. My doctor advised the Mediterranean diet for heart health.

    Thus I'm trying to combine the two. I'd like to 20-25 lbs which would make me very svelte.

    Anyone else interested in trading tips, thoughts?

  • Phizzy

    I did well some years ago on a low carb regime, but of course, since giving it up the pounds have gone back on, with some added pounds that I never used to have !

    I have proved that it is not the Beer that is my problem, I once gave up Beer for four hours and never lost any weight ! LOL

    I would be interested in the combined diet you propose, I may have to substitute beer with red wine I guess.

  • PaintedToeNail

    Unconfused-It sounds like you might like the "South Beach Diet", it is a cardiologist developed diet that is very well balanced. You could check the book out at the library. There are really great recipes in the book. Have you ever logged onto SparkPeople? They are a site where people encourage each other in weight loss and exercise. They have very encouraging real life stories submitted by users, as well as 'before and after' pictures.

  • UnConfused

    The Android app MyFitnessPal is really excellent btw. In general for me it's relearning how to cook in ways that foods on the Mediterranean diet are easy and reasonably quick.

    @Phizzy - my downfall was finding lots of good local live music and outstanding craft IPA served with it. I'll no deny I had a great time adding back the calories.

    @PTN - I will check out the South Beach book. Of course I've heard about it, but didn't know it was a cardiologist who developed it.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I have Type 2 diabetes. My doctors would not commit to a diet so I experimented. I crave carbs more than I did when I was kid. No matter how dire the consequences, my brain drives me to carbs and then more carbs. I have about 20 cookbooks.

    The lo-carb diet sounded unhealthy. Nevertheless, battling another illness, I know sometimes the ill people know more than any academic. I raised the issue frequently with the teaching hospital nutritionists and they told me stupid. Well, I researched more and did find the reasoning stupid. It is not like me but I swtiched to low-carb for a trial period. My food bills went way up. I had to cook only recipes to keep the carb count down.

    I had to make low-carb meals as sexy and elegant as I could to start out. Soon I had almost no cravings. Without the least restrictions in terms of calories or fat, I lost 10 lbs. I was shocked.

    Only I was on a severely restricted diet. All the heavy food was too much after six months. I started out with controlled fruit trials. Within a short while, I started loading refined carbs into my body with no control. After speaking with friends, I don't think a severe lo=carb diet is doable over the long haul. Some people swear the intake of gluttony canceled months of perfect control. I never asked my personal mds for permission to do lo=carb. When I confessed and swore how much better I felt, the weight loss, and the A1C count results, they were impressed. Some were on severe lo carb diets personally but never told me when I was a reg. patient. Unlike the nutritionists, they were impressed that I went ahead without permission. I did receive any endorsement but I don't understand but............

    I am mainlining carbs now. Everyone seems to have a heated opinion but few facts. All I can say is that I remain skeptical but the feeling of health, non gluttony eating, and A1Cs want me to continue. I am researching modified low carb diets. We are not cave people any more. Moderation in low carb may be good. My problem is not knowing whom to trust. There is not much hard science.

    I can recommend some cookbooks. My budget did go up by a substantial margin. B/c the diet is so different, I need quality food to sustain it. The eggs are the cheapest but no one can eat eggs at every meal. The cream gets too much, too, believe it or not. Even the steaks are boring.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I grew up eating a Mediterranian style diet. When I venture from it, I gain weight

  • Oubliette

    I've noticed that everyone on a diet has a weight problem, that's why I never go on one!

  • Pickler

    I think, once you say diet, food diary or I'm not going to,eat something, then weirdly you set yourself up for for failure somewhere down the line.

    I understand BOTR, I have tried not eating carbs (like bread, rice or pasta) but I could never do that long term. My way has been to think about what you really love to eat & then eat the best quality of that, in not too huge amounts.

    I love food!

  • jgnat

    Hey, how about complex carbs? It knocks out the doughnuts and brings in unrefined rice, etc. Complex carbs are broken down slowly so are better for the diabetic too.

    Adding a little olive oil and vinegar slows it down even further, and goes along with the Medeterranian diet.

    Lots of fruits and dark, leafy vegetables are always good.

  • DesirousOfChange

    The lo-carb diet sounded unhealthy. Nevertheless, battling another illness, I know sometimes the ill people know more than any academic.

    There's a lot of debate about low-carb diets, however there is NO debate about diabetes. Frequently, those with Type 2 find that they no longer have the high blood sugar issues and their A1C returns to normal after losing weight. If you can lose some weight on the low-carb regimen, that is probably a good trade off.


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