Get Your Teeth Cleaned ... Armageddon is NOT Imminent!!!

by cha ching 20 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    I have had bad teeth my whole life..... BUT..... Armageddon was imminent!

    I am in my late 50's...

    We were told, "Don't get an education, by the time you get out of school, you won't be able to use your education."

    So did I get braces? no... not until I was in my 40's... If I had gotten them as a teenager, my teeth would have been spaced evenly, I could have fit floss inbetween, and had less decay....

    I always thought, "Oh well, it costs sooo much money, I'll just wait, Armageddon will be here before I have to deal with it"

    You will have to deal with it....and you might lose your teeth. I brush and floss, but I have crowns, etc... you can get build up under them. My dentist showed me pictures of the tartar... It made me cry.

    I have a $17,000 bill facing me...... but, I will be able to eat!

    Get your teeth cleaned regularly... (which means at least ONCE, if not twice a year)

  • Heaven

    Good advice. Oh, and yes, you CAN buy those green bananas.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Cha Ching, My Grandfather was a Dentist 100 years ago. Dentistry and regular check up visits were important in our family's lives. When my mom died at 90, she still had her own teeth. She brushed her teeth a minimum of twice daily, plus flossed. Good oral hygiene helps your health.

    I remember a JW family in 1957, that all had bad mouths, and needed to go to the Dentist ASAP. The mom said, "We don't need to go to the Dentist. Jehovah will give us perfect teeth in paradise". I was thinking, what? I was raised too, to believe Armageddon was right around the corner. But in 1957, our whole family went to the Dentist regularly and we were planning also for our future. We all flew to New York for the Yankee Stadium Convention in 1958.

    Armageddon still hasn't come.

    Dentisy has come a long way in just the past 10 years. Most Dentists will bend over backwards to help you keep your teeth.

    If you do need dentures, find a Dentist or Denturist who is an artist and makes beautiful teeth. Do not say even as a joke, "I want big white piano key teeth". No - no - no you don't. And, you don't want teeth, just "like" you have. More than likely, your gums have receded, and so if you ask for new "teeth" just like you have, your Dental professional, if he is not an artist, will not give you any pink gums. Make sure your new teeth are long enough, (some people's old worn down teeth are not visible when they smile). A good fitting pair of teeth, can make all the difference in the world. Look around, shop around. Do not settle because he's the closest to where you live. You need your teeth, whether natural, caps, implants or false, to have a better quality of living.

    Bleaching your teeth is excellent. It kills bacteria.

    Just Lois

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    Thank you so much, Lois, I really appreciate your input.

    I have "tartar" close to the gumline on two teeth. My dentist wants to pull a tooth (the one with the cap & tartar) and maybe put an implant in...

    She wants "deep cleaning" on my whole mouth, tho I am not sure my whole mouth needs it. I had some 6,5,6 gum spaces on maybe 6 or 7 teeth. I was told you can't improve your gums, they "won't grow back." But can you get them healthy again? Make them 2's and 3's again?

    I have been reading online, and there is soo much info.

    I think I will get another opinion before having things done. Dentist's are not people I trust. One drilled a hole between my two back teeth so that I could floss between them... or something like that. Turns out he did that to my husband, my son, and his secretary too!! His $800 specialty! & that is the tooth my dentist wants to pull.

    She doesn't want to give me dentures...

    Thank you again.... :-)

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Hi Cha Ching, Finding a good dentist can make all the difference in the world. If you are in a city, find out who the President of the Dental Association is. Call them up. Ask their Receptionist if they are taking new patients. Also, ask who would you go to, to get your teeth fixed? Then ask if that Dentist is taking new patients. Shop around. It is your money, your time and your mouth.

    When you have "deep pockets"...recessed gums, food particles can set up shop and bacteria will flourish. Where the tarter is, if not taken away, it can eat away at your enamel, causing damage. Bleeding and swollen gums can all be remedied. Gums don't grow back up, but you can get rid of any "sickness" surrounding your tooth.

    Your Dental professional will help you, after cleaning, to show you how to floss and use a rubber tip and anything else they know to help. Rinsing the mouth out with mouth wash etc.

    If you do successful teeth bleaching several weeks or more before you have cavities filled or crowns seated, you will be able to have a "whiter" finished product.

    Just Lois

  • zound

    I remember a lot of 'JW teeth' in my old congregation.

    My teeth aren't bad at all but I should have had braces for a short period and a jaw operation when I was about 14 to fix my upper jaw being slightly out of alignment.

    Didn't happen - excuse being armageddon was coming and my parents couldn't afford it. I asked my mother to put my name on the government assistance list (they pay for the operation and braces after a waiting period) but she didn't, saying that it would only come through when I was about 20 years old - and I wouldn't want braces when I was twenty.

    I'm now 30, have braces, and am about to have the operation in a month. All paid for by myself.

    I knew a friend in the old congregation who had lost teeth (prominent teeth) by the time he was 21 due to negligence. And there were plenty of 'wait on Jehovah smiles' in the older ranks.

  • LisaRose

    I am not sure if that is a JW thing, or more of a socio economic thing, I think people who don't have have a lot of money and dental insurance have always struggled to pay for proper dental care, although the end time delusion does play into that. Even with insurance, it can be expensive, dental insurance has not raised maximum amounts, although the cost of dental care has gone way up the last few years. My max is $1,000, that doesn't go too far. I have to get some work done, at 57, I just lost my canine baby teeth (long story), cost to fix this is from 7k to 13k. I can afford it, but many could not.

  • zound

    I'm amazed to see that a shitload of older or middle aged business men who are extremely successful and wealthy have absolutely horrible teeth.

    Money isn't an issue - nor the new system. I just shake my head when I see it - these guys are meeting people every day and flashing that horrible smile. Get it sorted!!! They have a brand new yacht but won't spend a few thousand to straighten their teeth.

    I think especially among the older age getting braces as an adult is just not considered an option.

  • StAnn

    The Amish are known for being very frugal. Generally, they have their children's teeth pulled in their teens and have dentures made so there will be no future dental bills.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    I went to a JW"S couple's wedding. They were both 23 years old. When I met him, he was ashamed to smile. His teeth were rotten. For a wedding present to himself, he had all of his teeth pulled and had new dentures put in. He has been "smiling" ever since.

    I couldn't believe what they did after they had children. They and the grandparents purposely gave their children cheap, hard candy to eat. Have you ever seen children who's baby teeth are black and rotten? Their children's teeth were. The parents and grandparents response, "Oh, these are just their baby teeth, so it doesn't matter".

    (FacePalm - Head shaking).

    Just Lois

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