Prodigal Son DVD, Seen it? Totally Unrealistic to me. You?

by Wasanelder Once 37 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sd-7

    I remember seeing the actual drama at the convention. I just assumed the kid got a job at Best Buy or something. I thought it was peculiar that they conveniently skipped over the judicial committee at the end, what with that not being part of the Prodigal Son parable at all...

    I suppose I encountered one of those loose "worldly" women on my way out, but surprisingly she was quite capable of drinking and driving without having a car accident. Guess I was lucky. Then there was the JW woman who ended up being all seductive...but hey, she was kind enough to turn me in. I sure didn't want to go back home after all that, though. Hmm. Reminds me of when my JW wife (the aforementioned JW woman) and I separated. My non-JW dad actually wanted me to come back home after that. Kind of funny in its own way.

    Makes me realize that the only way the Prodigal Son's dad will welcome him with open arms is if he's pagan and non-JW...


  • d

    Yes I have seen it. The movie is okay but yes it does seem a little too unrealistic at times.

  • Sammy Jenkis
    Sammy Jenkis

    Wasanelder Once, best synopsis ever- "Brother Archie milktoast " had me rofling...

    You're right though it does seem a bit unrealistic so in this case we have to definitely remember it's only a movie. In real life Brother and Sister Milktoast would not have been the least bit understanding and would've staged several well intentioned interventions to save David Barker.

    The Christmas tree in the living room of their apartment was the icing on the cake for me, I remember some old school info about the Bethelites even celebrating Christmas way back in the day.

    The movie played down witness overreactions to any semblance of change away from religion.

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    There's a part II to this story (to be released at the 2014 convention)...

    He becomes a bethelite, makes a couple of more masturbation videos for the website, and eventually gets married to a special pioneer.

    Then on their wedding night, they both research a few "sex" articles in the Watchtower Library CD and, after much prayerful consideration, they decide that oral sex or any form of worldly foreplay is off the table. The end.

  • BreathoftheIndianNose

    This film was quintessential propaganda. Hitting on all the major requirements for a true propaganda piece. The GB were taking notes from the best propagandists in history: Goebbels, Stalin, Kim Jong-Il.

  • return of parakeet
    return of parakeet

    I wonder what the outcome would be if, instead of a prodigal son, a prodigal daughter were portrayed?

  • d

    I can not seem to find the English version on Youtube.

  • krejames

    I attempted to watch it today. I managed to get through just over 13 minutes before switching it off in disgust and running to the bathroom to throw up (ok that last bit was an exaggeration). What a horrific family of emotional blackmailing control-freaks. Awful!

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