Do You Believe Gods name is Jehovah and why?

by sarahsmile 76 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Phizzy

    Why should Almighty, Omnipotent, Omniscient God need a "personal" name ?

    Surely if the Greatest Being of all actually existed,we would not need a name like Tom Dick or Harry to refer to Him (She or it) would we ?

    In the N.T Jesus is said to refer to Him only as either Abba, Father or Lord.

    In the 19th Century the use of Jehovah by many Christian writers was quite common, mainly to differentiate between "Yahweh" and Jesus. C.T Russell used it frequently, perhaps for the same reason, perhaps for his own reasons. He also used Lord a lot.

    Rutherford was determined that his followers should be noticed, so anything that marked them out as different he relished, so he used the Name more often than Russell, and eventually saddled the Bible Students who were still with him with the pre-Christian sounding name of "Jehovah's Witnesses", Jesus of course is said to have commanded his followers to be "witnesses of me".

    There are literally hundreds of names for God in Islam, not a single "personal" name.

    I don't think a good case can be made for Yahweh/Jehovah apart from by using texts redacted by Yahvist Priests. Did the God of Abraham and Melchizedech have a personal name ? If so, do we have a reliable way of knowing what it was ?

  • jgnat

    G-d's name went through several iterations in the bible, ending in "Father". I think the various names reflect the changing personality of G-d from vengeful to one of love, generally following the shape of an emerging nation.

    "Jehovah" was never pronounced that way. It's inserted European vowels in to a Middle-Eastern tetragrammaton. Yahweh would be closer. But would a loving and all-knowing G-d, the "I am", really care that we pronounce it a certain way? Or even that we all agree on what to call G-d? Would it make a whit of difference on who G-d is?

    By the way, half my European in-laws can't pronounce my name properly, having no "J" sound in their language.

  • carla

    No, made up by a Catholic monk by the name of Martini in the late 1700's.

  • BroMac

    What Phizzy said.

    what about "Jah"?

  • Phizzy

    BroMac, you a Rasta ? LOL

  • BroMac

    Hooow looong will dey kill ar prophets, whiiillle we stand aside and look. Hoo hoo

    Some say its just-a-part-a-vit, we got ter fulfill de book.

    Ya man

  • Tiktaalik

    Jehovah is actually his middle name. His first name is Trevor.

  • sarahsmile

    Thank you for this information. I forwarded to a recent reinstated person.

  • hamsterbait

    YHWH was a minor Canaanite Deity. One fo the 70 Sons of EL. His portion among the 70 divisions of mankind, as listed in Genesis were the "Sons of jacob"

    So yes Like all gods of that time he was given a name.

    Do some research on the Ugaritic Texts found in the 1930s, it is fascinating.


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