Circuit Assembly Bklyn NY -Saturday 4/6/02

by worf 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • worf

    My sister went to the circuit assembly this past weekend here in Bklyn NY.
    They had a young sister on the platform helping to promote pioneering.The interesting point about this is that this young sister is attending college full time and actually said this in front of the audience.She brought out that she is going to college full-time and that since she "has only one more year left, she will wait to pioneer when she is in her last year of college because maybe then it probably won't be so hard." These were her exact words.
    I find this to be very interesting. Those of us who have done parts or experiences or talks for circuit assemblies know that each talk and each part is scrutinized in practice sessions prior to the assembly in front of the circuit overseers. At least that what has been done here in NY. So this shows that the things she said about college and pioneering were first screened by the CO. All of us know that in years past and even after the article in 1995 which supposedly lightened up on college, that circuit assembly parts like this have been used to show young people who have GIVEN UP the chance to go to college in favor of pioneering. But this weekend they gave this opposite experience.
    What about ALL OF US who stayed away from college in our younger years? You see these are continuing reasons why JUSTICE DEMANDS THE DESTRUCTION OF THE WTS, NOTHING LESS.

    Also my sister informed me that there were only 946 in attendance. This is the Flatbush assembly hall in Bklyn NY. I know for a fact since I used to go there that attendance even on Saturday used to be between 1500 and 2000. And I used to be an attendant who counted also.

    My sister also informed me that a grand total of 3 were baptized.
    worf (warrior class)

  • Xander

    OH, BOY!!

    Soon we'll be seeing assembly parts where the society criticizes members for NOT getting a college education (to increase the funds they can drop into the coffers). After all, they never strictly PROHIBITED it.

    It was just a case of members 'running ahead of the org' again!

    Xander F
    (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America - Ohio order)

    A fanatic is one who, upon losing sight of his goals, redoubles his efforts.
    --George Santayana

  • slipnslidemaster

    At my Memorial this past week, they didn't announce the attendance from the platform this time. Why? Because it was 50 people less then last years.

    How do I remember/know that?

    Because the speaker mentioned last years attendance (but NOT this years!!!).

    Slipnslidemaster:"I worked very hard and I earned all the attention I'm getting."
    - Anna Kournikova

    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America

  • Elsewhere

    Looks like gawd [ahem] I mean the bOrg is having a change of heart! Maybe going to college is not a sign that a person's priorities are off. Maybe it does not mean that the person is spiritually weak.

    I wonder if this is going to piss of my sister - when she was in High School she was offered a scholarship; my loyal mother declined and hung up the phone on the "evil" person that was trying to distract my sister from spiritual goals.

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • sf

    Hello Worf,

    How about a phone call this weekend, if it's convenient? I still cannot call out over 20 miles. Let me know if then let me know when.

    Love ya, sKally

  • AvailableLight

    Very interesting.

    When it comes to circuit assemblies and district conventions, there are indeed practice sessions held for any part that features interviews, demonstrations, or skits of any kind.

    It's interesting that the young sister's interview was allowed to float, perhaps that particular CO was a liberal. They are out there, even if few and far between.

    The fact remains that if you were a teenager prior to the mid-90s, you were absolutely looked down upon if you did anything other than pioneer after high school. Occasionally, some would get away with some kind of technical schooling so they could "support themselves in the full-time work."

    Sadly, many of those individuals are now struggling in life with marriages and families they never learned to support. I know of at least a few who sharply resent the "brighter light" on the education issue.

    But at least it has gotten a little better. Post secondary-school education is still frowned upon, especially by the old-timers. And recent KM articles in the past year or two have seemed to take a step backward. Fortunately, the damage done by that famous/infamous '95 WT study article is hard to undo after many JWs have now had a taste of the benefits of college.

    Here's to hoping it continues to improve...

  • Dogpatch

    and what one-in-a-million would have the energy for getting a good grade in college, having a roof over their head, going to all meetings and having Bible studies, PIONEERING, and not have a nervous breakdown? :-))
    Randy Watters

    Net Soup!

  • Billygoat

    Wow. That is very interesting. I'm still angry over the fact that I didn't get a degree. I'm happy since my brothers (age 20) are in college - I hope they learn how false the beliefs are that our parents are feeding them. Sometimes I fantasize about the day they come to me and ask me what really happened with me. *sigh* One of these days...


  • JT

    Maybe it does not mean that the person is spiritually weak.

    I wonder if this is going to piss of my sister - when she was in High School she was offered a scholarship; my loyal mother declined and hung up the phone on the "evil" person that was trying to distract my sister from spiritual goals.


    deep points my friend, and on the money as well

    yes for years we looked upon those who desired college as being TOO PROUD TO DO MANUAL WORK- seeking riches in this old system

    trying to carve out a NICH

  • Klaus Vollmer
    Klaus Vollmer

    thanks for the posting worf.
    It is exact what I can see here in old Europe: In the pst thjose who attended high school or studied were accused to get a captain patent for a sinking ship, they were outlined in priviledges in the congregation. And 3 years ago I noticed that on a district assembly only youngsters were "advertising" for pionieering who attend high school, getting the graduate and planning to study.
    Those brooklyn gang is without any scrupel to change their own vision like I change my underwear. they are opportunists, claiming to be Jehovah's channel and yet telling quite a lot of bullshit.
    How much I reject their presence.
    I guess they told much more false teachings and "divine" utterances than the Roman church over all the centuries.
    I am sure that Jehovah will "bless" them by his executor with the sharp blade. INdeed so much bloodguilt like they have - how many have they made leaving any faith in god - demands satisfaction.
    thanks to the forum that we can exchange news and facts. serious and descrete, better than a slave who makes money, immobiles and stocks in war productions.

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