who is your favorite super hero?

by heathen 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • heathen

    When I was young I used to love reading comic books and still have a collection.The Marvel commics were always my favorite.Although I liked alot of the different characters I would have to say spiderman was my favorite .I can't wait to see the movie it looks so cool from the previews.So common I know some of ya are into comics ,let's have it whose your favorite super hero or villian? he he

  • Simon


    I also like the Avengers (West Coast Avengers?) which had quite a few different characters.

    The Marvel universe was awesome and they had some great stories. Never really cared for DC stuff that much (batman, Superman) although Wonderwoman was, ehem, 'ok'.

    I still have all my Spiderman comics and Liam is starting to get interested in them since he saw the cartoon on TV.

  • wonderwoman77

    Can you guess...

  • Dutchie

    Superman! Those chiseled features, that black hair with the wave in the front, that muticolored costume. Oh, my!

    Who else is able to able to leap tall buildings with a single bound and is faster than a speeding bullet?

    Added to that, he fights a never ending battle for truth and justice the American way.

    What a guy!

  • rhett

    Superman. Still buy the comics from time to time.

    Back down the bullies to the back of the bus
    Its time for them to be scared of us

  • GentlyFeral

    The redoubtable Spaceman Spiff, of course!

    Gently Feral

  • ISP

    Mine was Dr. Who. I guess most won't know who that was!!!


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Marvel comics rule.
    Any obsessive collecters out there?
    I got :

    Thor issues 115-176
    Hulk and Submariner-73-92
    Iron Man and Captain America 78-98
    Daredevil 25-82
    Avengers 19-72
    Fantastic four 48-100
    among others.

    I used to like the "Thing", but ive become partial to "Thor" as Ive gotten older.

  • VioletAnai


    Were the Transformers eva a comic, how bout Astroboy?....Oh and Punky Brewster...yeah I know they're tv shows....but they were sweet heroes!!!!!!!!

    Mad Cow signing off!

  • neyank

    How about the Green Hornet & Kato?


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