Is that discrimination for not hiring straight people?

by Iamallcool 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • ShirleyW

    Yes, we're identical twins from totally different parents, haven't you heard of that before , why did it take you so long to figure that out ??

  • Iamallcool

    I was just being sarcastic about you being related to dazed. Both of you are acting like each other on this board toward me lately.

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    Look at your posting history as of lately.

  • Finally-Free
    I just do not think the gay director is right at all.

    Are you saying it's not right to have a gay director, or that the director's managerial style is flawed?

    I might add that in most civilized places it's illegal for an employer to inquire about sexual orientation.


  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    you are not sounding all cool.... lately

  • Este

    The board of directors hired a gay male to head the staff, the staff slowly quit by one by one for some unknown reasons and he begin to hire gay people to work for him, I now do not see any single straight worker working for him, is that discrimination for not hiring straight people?

    I don't think sexual orientation is a basis for a discrimination claim. It should be based upon qualifications and nothing else. It seems as if though the person is biased but what can you do?


  • irondork

    Yea... that pesky discrimination thing swings both ways.

    Sucks, huh?

  • ballistic

    I bet it's a real happy place to work and all the gay people wonder what all the fuss is lol. ;)

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Discrimination is addressed by local, state, and federal statutes. Without any further details, it is impossible for anyone to comment on whether discrimination exists. If you want an accurate analysis, see a private lawyer. The lawyer you hire can inform you better than anyone here. Facts matter in life.

    I don't' think many straight people worked in the baths on Christopher Street in New York. Ralph Lauren's flagship store has never hired anyone vaguely resembling a Jewish person, even tho Lauren is Jewish. Hiring based on race, looks, gender is totally all right for acting or modeling. The facts change the answer.

    If a friend is involved, they should file a complaint with the EEOC and the state equivalent to protect their rights.

  • ThisFellowCheap

    If straight people refused to work there as you said and quit, simple question is, who would be left?! I think the discrimination actually happen when all the other staff started leaving because the administrator is gay! My orientation is heterosexual and homosexuality is somewhat strange in my country here, but I can't help but feel annoyance over people who wouldn't let people be people whether "straight" or gay. And is the agency delivering? If it's not then you have a 'moral' cause for complaint.

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