JULY 15th Study Watchtower - NEW LIGHT IS FANTASY

by The Searcher 42 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    The July 15 Study Watchtower uses all 4 study articles to try to inculcate into every Witnesses' mind that the Governing Body is indisputably God's sole channel of communication on earth. To do so, it uses a multitude of Scriptures along with seriously flawed un-inspired reasoning.

    The foundation stone of this Watchtower's blatant agenda is the claim that when Jesus used only a few to dispense the physical food to the many, he was setting a principle which would be applied to the distribution of Spiritual food after he returned to heaven. This is odious reasoning, and they know it. If they don't, then whoever wrote this should quit their role on the Writing Committee, because he clearly never reasoned on the Scriptures!

    Here is the Scriptural reasoning Brother, (whoever you are) if you want the truth:

    Matthew 14:15 says, "But when evening fell his disciples came to him and sa: "The place is lonely and the hour is already far advanced; send the crowds away, that they may go into the villages and buy themselves things to eat."

    Notice the time - evening time has come. So it is getting late. Now examine what transpires according to Scripture:

    (Matthew 14:19) Next he commanded the crowds to recline on the grass and took the five loaves and two fishes, and, looking up to heaven, he said a blessing and, after breaking the loaves, he distributed them to the disciples, the disciples in turn to the crowds.

    (Matthew 15:36) ......he took the seven loaves and the fishes and, after offering thanks, he broke them and began distributing to the disciples, the disciples in turn to the crowds.

    (Mark 6:41) Taking now the five loaves and the two fishes he looked up to heaven and said a blessing, and broke the loaves up and began giving them to the disciples, that these might place them before the people; and he divided up the two fishes for all.

    (Luke 9:16) Then taking the five loaves and the two fishes, he looked up to heaven, blessed them and broke them up and began to give them to the disciples to set before the crowd.

    No argument - Jesus handed the food to disciples, not to to 12 apostles. Some might argue that apostles were also disciples; very true!

    However, if you were at your District Convention at 5 o'clock in the evening and your District Overseer asked you to get eleven more brothers together, because he wanted all 12 of you to distribute food to the 5000/7000 delegates, how long would it take you to do so? 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 hours?

    We know that Jesus had many hundreds of disciples who travelled throughout the region with him at times, and it is blindingly obvious that he would use these faithful followers to help distribute the food to the crowds - not just 12 men!

    It is ludicrous to claim otherwise and ignore logic, reasoning, and the Scriptural proofs!

  • cantleave

    Sadly the whole WTS theology is fantasy.

    Also think about the ratio of disciples to the number fed, how many would be required to feed 7,000,000? More than 8 I think......................

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Haha, absolutely brilliant reasoning! You've just utterly demolished one of the foundations of their pathetic 'new light.'

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Good catch, SEARCHER!

  • JakeM2012

    Since the eight BG's are so great at dispensing food maybe they should work at McDonald's!

  • EdenOne

    Good point, Searcher.

    Although you claim something that needs scriptural support. You say:

    We know that Jesus had many hundreds of disciples who travelled throughout the region with him at times

    Although we know there were other disciples (including women) that travelled with Jesus, how do you arrive to the notion that they amounted to hundreds? Even in Pentecost of 33 CE - a couple of years later - they were 120 at best.


  • BluesBrother

    Anyone that can try and find a corellation between feeding a crowd with bread and fish, and the dispensing of spiritual information 2000 years later, is clearly clutching at straws. Any sandwich bar employs relatively "few" to feed "many" customers...what does that prove?

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    "Any sandwich bar employs relatively "few" to feed "many" customers...what does that prove?"

    It's obvious BluesBrother. It proves those deli workers are the faithful and discreet slave ! Or, technically, the deli manager is the faithful slave and the deli workers are the "domestics".

    I consider the sandwich artists at Subway to be "god's sole channel" to ham on rye in these last days of the last days.

    Give me a few minutes to cherry-pick a parable or two in order to prove it....

    I'll post my "new light" momentarily....

  • pixel

    Excellent The Searcher.

    Good observation EdenOne. At least we know Jesus had 70 disciples by the time he was on earth.

  • WTWizard

    Time to quit using those squiggly things and switch to LEDs. The new LED light is that Satan is the Savior, and joke-hova is our nemesis that is bent on enslaving us all. Jesus is a fictional character that joke-hova uses to get us enslaved. Jesus is nothing more than a thoughtform intended to keep psychic energy going into the Vatican--and it matters not whether the religion is cat lick, protestant, jokehovian, or any other xian crap. Jesus was modeled after Horus and Odin, and 18 others, and that thing's commandments were intended to strip us of defenses against enslavement. And the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger is trying to funnel people into its own version--to keep anyone afraid of ever leaving the religion.

    When using Satan's LED light, I am amazed at how much clearer things become.

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