What are the qualifications to be a baptizer at the assemblies?

by Iamallcool 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Iamallcool
  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    I need to express myself. I was in the pool when a poster here on JWN, his sister was baptized. I didn't baptize her but I was in the pool. When she stepped in the pool it wasn't my turn. I ended up dipping the person either after or prior to her, but I cant remember. I post this because, its a small world, and also for you lurkers to know that just because he's an elder doesn't mean he's not a worthless sack of shit. That said , the qualifications for a baptizer are the same as whomever does the Bible Highlights or even the announcements. We're talking flawed men people, seriously flawed men.

    Again I need to repeat to you, an apostate baptized a servant of Jehovah , he baptized a sincere individual that wanted to serve God. May Jehovah have mercy upon me. I love all of you gnight.Gnight, I'm done with this forum. Tec, I wish I could see things as you do and be satisfied.

  • Iamallcool


  • watson

    Theo said. Interesting story.

    But, anyway, one of the qualifications SHOULD be, "Looks good in a wet T".

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Theocratic Sedition, You said Good Night, and you are through with this Forum? Does that mean you are tired and need a break?

    Your comment that you were a baptizer and that a lot, or some Elders are a worthless bag of ****. Where's the surprise in that? lol I think most on this website know that already. lol

    Are you under stress at this time? Are you at some kind of crisis point?

    Who any of us were, or did as JW's, is water under the bridge.

    I feel being out and fading, I am so grateful in so many more ways. To be free, is everything.

    Just Lois

  • barry

    Anyone can baptise ever an unbeliever as long its done in the name of the father son and holy spirit.

    The only requirement necessary is to have life saving skills if the person being baptised starts to drown

  • Bobcat

    I used to be in the baptism deptartment (as a baptizer) for years and then overseeing for more years (where I assigned others to do the baptizing.

    The Wt requirement is that the 'baptizer' be an elder.

    After that, the baptism overseer is looking for someone who is relatively mature enough to be serious about it and cognizant of some of the 'difficulties' involved. By that I mean that the people being baptized range from 9 and 10 year olds, to very elderly (and often very frail) ones. Some are deathly afraid of being in the water and more so of going under it. Some of the women are very sensitive of being in a swim suit and in close proximity to a man, a man who has his hands near her breasts. Some are invalid to a more or less degree and require special handling.

    Curiously, some are very strong and anxious to get it over with and the problem for the baptizer is controlling that. Often times the pool has limited space and the chance of hitting the steps or some other part of the pool is present.

    Besides those considerations, the overseer is probably looking for 'baptizers' whom he knows and can rely on to do the assignment. (Thus, when a new brother is assigned to oversee the baptism dpartment, the 'baptizers' will all be new faces.)

    Usually, the baptism overseer will not get in the pool himself because he has to deal with micro-management from the convention overseers. As well as problems with the setup of the pool and managing crowds (which he relies on attendants department for help).

    Some or alot of this may be outside of what the Bible says, but I was answering strictly according to the question of the OP.

    Incidentally, I've posted some comments on the subject of baptism here (my post # 579), here (my posts # 55 & 56), here (my post # 57), and this thread about Romans 6:7. These threads are about baptism and not directly about the question above.

    Take Care

  • Kallam

    You need to be able to ogle the wet t-shirt contest without 12000 people noticing. Seriously. That's it. I was on more then one committee to pick the baptizers and that was the only requirement. We had extensive tests using elder's wives as guinea pigs.

  • tim hooper
    tim hooper

    When my Dad was baptised the first thing he did was to light up a cigarette. Back then no-one expected you to stop smoking immediately, most JW's continued to smoke for a year or two after baptism.

  • Bobcat

    By the way, the following is directly from the "District Convention Operations" manual (CO-1 5/97; page 4-18):

    "Those doing the baptizing should be elders."

    That's all that it says about the 'who is qualified' question.

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