Global Cooling

by Jomavrick 93 Replies latest jw friends

  • *lost*

    Urban air quality worsened during the Industrial Revolution 'an age of smoke'.

    After world war II a number of invisible threats began to emerge.

    Acid rain

    Photochemical Smog

    Ozone depletion

    Climate change.

    Air pollution - most sources are the result of human activity

    Shift from fuelwood to coal then to oil.

    CFC's didn't exist before the 20th century.

    Outdoor pollution only became a magor issue with the rise of cities.

    The data from artic ice cores shows that the cumlative deposition of copper pollution in the northern hemisphere was much greater before the industrial revolution than after.

    Just a little info there for anyone who wants to read the it further

  • Jomavrick

    Yes this is a classic thread, and I do like hearing other peoples opinions and thoughts.

    Here is my idea, I would bet hard cash that in the Climate Loon crowd errr, scientistic devotees we could ditch every gas burning car, return all farming techniques to the Middle ages, exchange all lightbulbs to Obama bulbs (except mine of course) in case lets just go back to candles. Forward 50 years or a hundred years - we would meet back at the same place we are today.

    In other words the world is not going to end by Armaggedon, or CO2 emissions. We have a far better chance of blowing ourselves up via a terrorist nuclear bomb, which is what I think we should be talking about anyway.

    Yes nice snow pics!

  • cantleave

    Jomavrick, how many logical fallacies can you cram into such a small paragrapgh (above)?

    Everything there from ad-hominin to strawman in 7 lines!!!

  • Tater-T
    We have a far better chance of blowing ourselves up via a terrorist nuclear bomb, which is what I think we should be talking about anyway

    said the one who started the thread global cooling .. lol ..

  • Jomavrick

    I'd like to say I was being clevor, but that would be a lie. Obviously my mental capacity has deteriorated while working this weekend. In fact I give up, global warming, I mean global cooling, I mean climate change - is real and its all my fault.

    Im sorry for single handedly ruining the environment. Do I get the choice of beheading or hanging?

  • *lost*


    The earth is self cleaning.

    Many rivers that were heavily polluted, no fish etc ... once the pollution stopped, fish stocks came back etc.

    Although I don't think the massive deforestation that's going on in the world, and the nuclear disasters (chernoybel, fukishima) are doing much to help.

  • cantleave

    Lost, putting it all in perspective the worst thing that will happen is we will wipe our own species out (along with many others), the Earth will still be here and life will continue to exist and evolve without us.

  • Jomavrick

    Thanks for trying to make me feel better lost, but its my fault. I knew I shouldnt have been driving that Ford pickup. Does someone have Al Gores private number, I promise to call him and make things right!

  • besty
    I'd like to say I was being clevor
  • besty

    hey marvin - just in the interests of my time suggest you look at

    that site has extensive scientific literature, commentary and explanation

    specifically should answer your particular question

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