goodbye AAWA--good luck

by bigmac 203 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    that JW survey has it's IP address pointing to Scottsdale Arizona...I thought cedars was in Euorpe.

    I'm getting confused now. So that is the IP address of the website host/provider?

  • nonjwspouse

    I think that is the physical address for domains by proxy, which JWN uses through godaddy.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Ah...I see what you mean now...I think.

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead


    I think you meant to say JW Survey instead of JWN. Alphabet soup gets confusing.


  • freebird2012

    Just wanted to say, I'm not out to cause trouble for these good folks at aawa. They are just not forthcoming about data handling and privacy. This is a big mistake right out of the gate. They raised a red flag when they blew me off about their volunteer form, and there's not any official privacy policy that I can find on the site. So I did a generic analysis on their urls.

    As you may already know, there are many free tools on the web to use if you have unaddressed secuity concerns, just google to get a list. Some are better than others, none are completely definitive, but you will get some decent information. Of course, only a site audit by the webmaster or someone else can uncover the less obvious security issues. Mind you, I just checked aawa and jwsurvey, not all the other sites they link to or interact with or share web space with, if any. I don't have the time and that's not my job. That's one reason why an upfront privacy/security policy is so import when your asking for and collecting data as some have said here. Why make it easy for a hacker or malware to get some of the pieces to an identity puzzle? It's not that big a deal to host a secure form page. At the very least it builds trust in your brand. Even if it's public information and not credit cards or ss#'s or the like, it's still part of your overall personal identifiers package and should not be treated lightly IMO.

    If the folks at aawa remained a loose collective of idependent site operators fighters for the cause, doing their own thing the best they can, OK. But when you form a legal entity with all its implications and liabilities and invite others to provide resources (time, donations, etc) in pursiut of your corporate mission - then you raise the bar. And I feel because they raised the bar that others have the right to hold them to a higher standard. I hope they meet that standard some day. But its going to take real humility, cooporation and openness, more of what I'm not seeing, and for that matter less than what I am seeing.

    Not that I was concerned, but just out of curiosity I ran JWN through several tools and it came up clean all around. Kudos to the JWN webmaster for all your hard work and due diligence.

    Appreciation for this forum and all those here who contribute. Thanks for listening.

  • zound

    Whilst the message is good, the video they released isn't anything amazing. (I'm a graphic designer so those text effects at the start made me cringe). But there's loads of apostates on youtube that pump out videos of similar message and quality - and they do it for free.

    So, so far we've got:

    #1 A youtube video.

    #2 A middle finger campaign.

    keep those donations rolling in peoples!

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    FreeBird2012, Hello. You must be an IT professional. Thank you for all the good advise.

    Welcome to JWN. When you have the time, maybe start a new thread and tell us a little bit about yourself.

    Just Lois

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Simon, I don't know if you follow all the metrics from Facebook, even with their latest Q being good on the Mobile Site (Revenue went from $0.00 to $100Million+) there is evidence people are making choices where they are going to spend their time and limiting their sites to one or two at the most, listen to Facebook's Conference Call last week please and Link-In and think about how these two power houses are killing Google+'s poor attempt to enter the Social Media. Google has spent a ton of cash and so has Mr. Softy too.

    If AAWA takes off in a nice successful way, why are you buying your own rope to hang JWN? There is another agenda by other websites than raising the level of awareness to all the Jehovah's Witnesses who are looking for a place to call home.

    How much time and posts are being added on Cedars new website to help boost your traffic on JWN? If you think JWN is above to loosing people, remember when "MySpace" was suppose to be something and turned into a financial disaster for all the stakeholders three times? I have a book that list all the disaster companies from 1992 to 2010, I am going to buy the updated Encyclopedia version and you will be very surprised at the volume of "web community" concepts that went belly-up in less than a year after their IPO!

    Facebook and Linked-in are kicking ass, Linked-In has this professional stature while Facebook is for goofing off and sharing strange information about getting your "finger cut" or telling your friends" "hey, I am at Hardee's getting a burger now or the giant steak Ruth's Crips you uploaded to your Facebook site, can you eat that "Two Pound Steak"?

    Quid-Pro-Quo, you can't afford to gamble as the stakes are evoling into a new game, we have a finite amount of time and you spent so much time with all the good people here too, building up content these parasites are going to take from you and "JW Facts" and if they are able to generate some "page revenue" are they going to share this with all the sources they qoute from "JWN or JW-Facts"? or will they keep it themselves?

    One day I think you are going to look back at the close to two years of me bugging you to keep Spammers off JWN, if they are not giving you equal time and sending a bunch of traffic your way, don't let them post their videos here! I have list of "message boared" and search engines that went bankrupt or were sold out to another once the crowd found something a tiny bit more flashy, just becareful my brother! I don't think Cedar's has your best interest as do others who relentless post their own websites here because you have all the traffice, if they can't post the entire video on JWN without making us jump to their site, can you please label it Spam like most of the Business Message Boards Moderators do? Thank you for listening to my crazy ramblings, but I do really care about you!

  • steve2

    I do not think "the folks" at aawa are deliberately obtuse when it comes to privacy - I think they are more on the naive side with a dash of hubris that stops them owning up to (still) not thinking through the privacy issue more closely. I'm disturbed to hear aawa emailed another person who had visited their site but had not registered to advise the new aawa site was up and running. What if that email had been a shared one - similar to the arrangement I have with my partner? What if my partner was not sympathetic to my interest in ex-JW sites - or worse, opposed my accessing such sites? Aawa's emailing me would have potentially outed me if my partner saw the email. Okay, my partner is more indifferent to ex-JW sites and I could always generate a new email for my clandestine internet activites.. But aawa's breaches of privacy send a strong warning to people:Be very, very careful about what you divulge on aawa and ensure that you are up with the necessary knowledge to minmize your internet "footprint".

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    "Out-Law" their "Finger Campaign" is going to go across great with all the anti-hate speech advocates and I do not see how Simon can benefit from aligning himself with Cedars who has made it known to some of his members he plan's one cleaning Simon's webtraffic to his site.

    So, trying to play the "Big Brother" and watch over "Goofus Websites" even if they are producing quality product, why can't we use professionals who frequent JWN to help build up our own method of working to make a better website? Simon, it's time to take JWN up another knotch, you have some many professionals here and I would venture to say they would be willing to help.

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